Thanks for this. I'd be interested in joining sharplispers. Does anyone know the process for that?
Ask Xach or Luis or some other administrator of sharplispers.
I'm willing and likely capable of helping, but I don't have time to actively find a project to adopt. So a more central place for issues to be handled, regardless of project, is attractive.
A lot of projects only require light maintenance and a common pool of maintainers make a lot of sense for them.
Maybe this could be a topic at the 2018 ELS in Marbella?
Only if you find a sucker^Wvolunteer. Every year there's a new kid in the block who wants to curate CL libraries. So far, Xach is an exception in actually doing it and sticking to it year after year. Make Lispers cooperate is hard. Something about herding cats. Weak coordination models work best in this context, otherwise you'll burn out. My 2010 paper on ASDF had the subtitle "More Cooperation, Less Coordination". —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Those "organizers" who confuse coordination and cooperation will have 100% coordination for 0% cooperation. All costs, no benefits.