On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Burton Samograd <burton.samograd@gmail.com> wrote:
What do you think are the most high priority projects that require maintaining?
Highest priority are probably those projects that currently break on Quicklisp yet are dependencies of other projects: madeira-port, mgl-pax. In github.com/fare-patches, there are 16 CL repositories I cloned for which I sent build PRs, often months ago. (Also four unrelated forks of healthy non-CL repos; ignore them.) I also have a patch for s-dot which is not on github. These are all candidates for sharplisping if the maintainers are confirmed not available anymore and anyone cares (beware: in some cases, the maintainer is still there, e.g. fukamachi, just not responsive to those PRs). If you're serious about in-depth curation of the ecosystem, then you'd have to see which maintainers have quit (see a partial list in previous email), and migrate their libraries en masse to sharplispers, though you'll find that *some* of these libraries already have new maintainers who may or may not be motivated to seriously maintain them, so you'll have to see with them what is best. Some ex-maintainers may be willing to add a redirection from their repository to yours (at least if it's on github), or to give you the keys to their repositories (particularly so if on gitlab.common-lisp.net). Some libraries are not broken but are piling PRs, e.g. cl-json, bknr. Some libraries have serious bugs and/or are not portable enough in some features, e.g. bordeaux-threads. Some libraries are broken and better left to rot. Some libraries might be better merged, or transformed into thin compatibility layers on top of a common library (like so many test libraries, or things that could be superseded by uiop — see also my post on consolidation https://fare.livejournal.com/169346.html ). Some libraries just need better documentation, tests and examples. I personally believe that many the libraries I'm leaving behind are useful and deserve a new maintainer (see on github.com/fare). Of them only ASDF is really popular. At least none of them is currently broken. Some of them have a lot of potential, obviously unfulfilled (e.g. lisp-interface-library), and many are possibly underrated because underdocumented (cl-launch, command-line-arguments, inferior-shell, uiop, cl-scripting). As for me, I'm jumping ship to Gerbil Scheme (cons.io) — but I just want to leave the place tidy and in good hands as I leave CL behind. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org "Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again." — TV listing for the Wizard of Oz in the Marin Independent Journal