[ Sorry for double-post Ala'a, I forgot to reply-all :( ] WITH-NESTING reduces the nesting cost of an arbitrary number of consecutive binding forms to one level, with a highly regular and simple syntax almost inherently readable to anyone without prior exposure (I think?). It may not be the most concise syntax of all, but it has the benefit of simplicity and most importantly, sanity. The only reason I'm not actually using it is that I don't often encounter scenarios complex enough where using it would significantly improve the situation (and I'd consider it bad style to use it if it doesn't significantly improve the situation. Usually a simple refactoring will obviate the "need" for it). As circumstantial evidence, I had to make a synthetic example to show it in a scenario where it would help... (with-nesting () (let ((a 'a))) (destructuring-bind (b c) '(b c)) (multiple-value-bind (d e) (values 'd 'e)) (let* ((f 'f) (g (list f 'g)))) (destructuring-bind (h i j) (cons f g)) (progn 'HUGE-body (values a b c d e f g h i j))) => A, B, C, D, E, F, (F G), F, F, G VS (let ((a 'a)) (destructuring-bind (b c) '(b c) (multiple-value-bind (d e) (values 'd 'e) (let* ((f 'f) (g (list f 'g))) (destructuring-bind (h i j) (cons f g) (progn 'HUGE-body (values a b c d e f g h i j)))))))