Didier Verna <didier@lrde.epita.fr> writes:
I have a FROB functionality that I would like to make available both at run-time via a function and at compile-time via a macro (which in turn will call the function).
Are there any general conventions (apart from DEFINE- / MAKE-) for this kind of thing ? I'm having a hard time finding nice names for FROB the function and FROB the macro...
DEF or DEFINE- and MAKE- are used in CL (eg. DEFPACKAGE and MAKE-PACKAGE). If the macros are just a wrapping of the functions for compilation-time invocation, their names may vary only by one *. For example in my HTML generator package, the element macros are named after the tag, and the element functions after the tag*. (defun p* (…) …) (defmacro p (…) (p* …) In this case, I assume clients of the package will use the macro in general (p compilation-time-data) but they may also need to call the function at run-time (mapcar (function p*) …) or just (p* run-time-data). For a single functionality, DEFINE-FROB and MAKE-FROM sound good. -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.