Didier Verna wrote:
I'm aware of the ~// construct, which I find extremely cumbersome. Does anybody actually use it? Yes, we use it heavily, mainly for date/time processing, which can be very complicated when you're dealing with time zones and such. Example:
It seems to me that the package handling part, specifically, makes it totally unusable. You mean the fact that the name must be in the cl-user
(list :departure-time (format nil "~/zul%ISO8601/" departure-time-zul) :arrival-time (format nil "~/zul%ISO8601/" arrival-time-zul) :airimp-departure-time (format nil "~/loc%HHMM/" (local-tofd-only (local-time departure-time-zul))) :airimp-arrival-time package, so that if there are two modules trying to use the same name, they conflict. That's true, but I think "totally unusable" is going a bit far. I actually can't remember why package prefixes aren't allowed. It was a long time ago. -- Dan