
When you say "targeting mobile devices" do you mean

1. You get a lisp REPL on your Android/iPhone?
2.  You can write Apps in Lisp such that the end user does not know whether lisp is there or not.

I could be interested in either, though to be honest I am slightly more interested in the first.



Le 30 avril 2014 19:30, Martin Simmons <martin@lispworks.com> a écrit:
>>>>> On Sun, 27 Apr 2014 10:18:17 +0600, Attila Lendvai said:
> dear lispers,
> what is the state of the art in running lisp (not just CL) on mobile
> platforms, preferably in a portable way?
> is mkcl viable to run as a native app both on iOS and android?
> if iOS has too many legal constraints and whatnot, then let's forget
> it for now.

We are working on targeting mobile devices and are currently seeking alpha
testers. Please contact us directly if you would like to build a Common Lisp
runtime for iOS or Android.

We're not going to publish further details yet, so please don't ask here.

Martin Simmons
LispWorks Ltd

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