Hi Mark, On 21/12/2011, at 2:23 AM, Mark H. David wrote:
Anyone with some thoughts on which command line parser is good to use? There seem to be n of them out there. None really stands out, that I can tell. Must be quicklisp readable,
I have one called lisp-executable. It is available here: https://github.com/markcox80/lisp-executable It is not quick lisp installable, but all of its dependencies are quicklisp installable. The library provides the ability to automatically generate programs by working with ASDF. Documentation can be found in the Org file contained within the project. An example of creating a command line program is: ;; defined in system lisp-executable-example (define-program example-program (&options help) (cond (help (format t "Help has arrived.")) (t (format t "You are doomed."))) (terpri)) (create-executable 'example-program "/tmp/my-program" :asdf-system "lisp-executable-example") Mark