Another cut example I did many years ago (showing my NYU colors) along the lines of what Pascal shows here is the "SETL syntax" in CL. I still have the code. Here is the stupid PRIMES (defun primes (max) [n in (range 3 max 2) such-that (not (exist m in (range 3 (min (1- n) (+ 2 (sqrt n))) 2) such-that (= (mod n m) 0)))]) Cheers MA On Jul 21, 2011, at 01:57 , Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
Didier Verna <didier@lrde.epita.fr> writes:
Dear friends,
Notably, in this type of DSL, you'll note how you can mix Lisp expressions with expressions in the new languages, at several levels.
@[Icals method:(pressPop:(:id)sender) ; resultType:(:id) ; objcl body: ; (declare (ignore sender)) ; (loop ; lisp :for i :from 0 :below 3 ; :do [(aref (icals-stack self) i) setIntValue:[(aref (icals-stack self) (1+ i)) intValue]])] ^^ ^^ || || |+-- lisp |+--- lisp +--- objcl +---- objcl
It might be worthwhile comparing the sources of an early Objective-C front-end such as POC (that includes only the parsing of Objective-C syntax, and generation of the C code for the usual C compiler, and thus is functionnaly equivalent to ObjCL), with the lisp sources of ObjCL.
http://users.telenet.be/stes/compiler.html (objc-3.2.11.tar.gz)
-- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
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