Drew C <me@drewc.ca> writes:
Thank you for informing me on what is being said behind my back, that helps me to decide on my future quite a bit :)
I'm going to assume that this isn't directed at me, but if I'm wrong, please understand that, while that wasn't the intent, I apoligise.
On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Luís Oliveira <luismbo@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, in my opinion that is completely different from actually happened, and given that I am now the only admin of a site that I do not use, and did not 'decide' to 'migrate' but rather 'did not have the $foo it would take to keep the box up another month', I am wondering what politricksian you were speaking with that told you?
Here is the situation :
1) I have never been an administrater of CL-NET till recently, just a 'donation' of the box itself from 2007 or so until the near future. 2) I was told that the business who runs the dedicated service are shutting down, and the box will go with it. 3) I asked for help, and others who knew apache. exim and mailman to please help me because I do not know those things. 4) I did not receive any help, and the box was going to be shutdown unless I paid a lot to keep it up an extra month. 5) I paid a lot, and asked for help again while I had to move things. 6) I tried to moved things over gradually, but the people who do use it for releases of their software and needed it up, so I paid twice as much to leave it up for an extra week or so. 7) Now I hear complaints and political talk, yet nobody volunteers to take over, and apparently there is politricks involved. 8) I still ask for help, and will here again : "I would like some help because I do not use this site and those who do use it may know a bit more about that they need"
The issue at hand is therefore political rather than technical.
Can you please inform me of the politricks? The reason that I had to move from mailman to mlmmj is because I know mlmmj technically, and I know postmodern and postgresql more then I know exim + whatever. So, having been the one that 'started the issue' for technical reasons,. would like to know the politicians who are in competition with me for common-lisp.net, and if they would like to take over?
I wish that political things were not as important to Common Lispers as simply having things running, but if folks do not want what I did my best to keep up, then please contact me about taking over. If you do not want to take over but simply want something that is not there yet, clo-devel is a good place to ask I guess.
That's quite a different situation. I would like to volunteer to maintain and pay for keeping common-lisp.net around into the forseeable future, though no one in the community knows me which might or might not be an issue. If I may be so bold as to ask for access to the backups or tarball of the machine, I could bring up a box with everything working and submit it for review to whomever, and if it's acceptable we could simply point common-lisp.net to it.