Has anyone created a clever system for sharing reader macros?
as Fare mentioned, there's named-readtables, but we had to deal with this before it was implemented (plus i think it's still not 100% yet regarding infrastructure integration), so we do this: shadow cl:in-package with out own macro that takes a readtable from the package and sets it up while compiling. see hu.dwim.common and hu.dwim.syntax-sugar and to support working through slime we add our own entries to swank:*readtable-alist* it can be made to work, but few people took the effort, so it's not a well trodden path. -- • attila lendvai • PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39 -- “If you love freedom, as I do, there is no country on earth for you. Every flag, every nation, stands for your enslavement, in one way or another.” — Larken Rose (1968–)