Pascal, could you quickly describe: - What is typically involved doing this work? - How much time does it typically take? It might be helpful for people considering taking over from you to know how much work is involved. Thank you for all of your hard work doing this! --Scott On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 6:28 AM, Pascal Costanza <pc@p-cos.net> wrote:
I wish to resign from my activities as the main maintainer of the Common Lisp Document Repository (CDR - http://cdr.europlisp.org). Although Arthur Lemmens, Edi Weitz, and Marc Battyani have supported the effort throughout CDR's existence, for which I'm very grateful, the main work rested on my shoulders.
CDR had some noticeable impact in the seven years of its existence, but it may benefit from some new ideas and a fresh perspective. Since Arthur, Edi, and/or Marc do not want to take over the day-to-day activities for maintaining CDR, this effectively means that we are looking for volunteers to take over its maintenance.
I would like to ensure that CDR doesn't become unmaintained, so I will keep on running things for as long as necessary.
Feel free to ask any questions, either publicly, or privately to me directly, or via editors@cdr.eurolisp.org.
Thanks, Pascal
-- Pascal Costanza The views expressed in this email are my own, and not those of my employer.