Common Lisp Blockchain - Scheme Coin

Here’s a little ditty I decided to share. A Common Lisp Blockchain implementation of a coin that has a useful Proof of Work: Scheme Evaluation. Incomplete, but still interesting per the previous week’s discussion. ;; ;; scheme coin - a common lisp blockchain ;; ;; Burton Samograd ;; 2017 (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp") (defconstant *coin-name* "Scheme Coin") (eval-when (compile load) (ql:quickload "ironclad")) (defun rest2 (l) (cddr l)) (defun interp (x &optional env) "Interpret (evaluate) the expression x in the environment env." (cond ((symbolp x) (get-var x env)) ((atom x) x) ((scheme-macro (first x)) (interp (scheme-macro-expand x) env)) ((case (first x) (QUOTE (second x)) (BEGIN (last1 (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (interp y env)) (rest x)))) (SET! (set-var! (second x) (interp (third x) env) env)) (if (if (interp (second x) env) (interp (third x) env) (interp (fourth x) env))) (LAMBDA (let ((parms (second x)) (code (maybe-add 'begin (rest2 x)))) #'(lambda (&rest args) (interp code (extend-env parms args env))))) (t ;; a procedure application (apply (interp (first x) env) (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (interp v env)) (rest x)))))))) (defun scheme-macro (symbol) (and (symbolp symbol) (get symbol 'scheme-macro))) (defmacro def-scheme-macro (name parmlist &body body) `(setf (get ',name 'scheme-macro) #'(lambda ,parmlist .,body))) (defun scheme-macro-expand (x) (if (and (listp x) (scheme-macro (first x))) (scheme-macro-expand (apply (scheme-macro (first x)) (rest x))) x)) (defun set-var! (var val env) "Set a variable to a value, in the given or global environment." (if (assoc var env) (setf (second (assoc var env)) val) (set-global-var! var val)) val) (defun get-var (var env) (if (assoc var env) (second (assoc var env)) (get-global-var var))) (defun set-global-var! (var val) (setf (get var 'global-val) val)) (defun get-global-var (var) (let* ((default "unbound") (val (get var 'global-val default))) (if (eq val default) (error "Unbound scheme variable: ~A" var) val))) (defun extend-env (vars vals env) "Add some variables and values to and environment." (nconc (mapcar #'list vars vals) env)) (defparameter *scheme-procs* '(+ - * / = < > <= >= cons car cdr not append list read member (null? null) (eq? eq) (equal? equal) (eqv? eql) (write prin1) (display princ) (newline terpri))) (defun init-scheme-interp () (mapc #'init-scheme-proc *scheme-procs*) (set-global-var! t t) (set-global-var! nil nil)) (defun init-scheme-proc (f) (if (listp f) (set-global-var! (first f) (symbol-function (second f))) (set-global-var! f (symbol-function f)))) (defun maybe-add (op exps &optional if-nil) (cond ((null exps) if-nil) ((length=1 exps) (first exps)) (t (cons op exps)))) (defun length=1 (x) (and (consp x) (null (cdr x)))) (defun last1 (list) (first (last list))) (defun scheme () (init-scheme-interp) (loop (format t "~&==> ") (print (interp (read) nil)))) (def-scheme-macro let (bindings &rest body) `((lambda ,(mapcar #'first bindings) . ,body) .,(mapcar #'second bindings))) (def-scheme-macro let* (bindings &rest body) (if (null bindings) `(begin . ,body) `(let (,(first bindings)) (let* ,(rest bindings) . ,body)))) (def-scheme-macro and (&rest args) (cond ((null args) 'T) ((length=1 args) (first args)) (t `(if ,(first args) (and . ,(rest args)))))) (def-scheme-macro or (&rest args) (cond ((null args) 'nil) ((length=1 args) (first args)) (t (let ((var (gensym))) `(let ((,var ,(first args))) (if ,var ,var (or . ,(rest args)))))))) (init-scheme-interp) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; and there we have a scheme interpreter with macros. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct block (index 0) (timestamp 0) data (previous-hash "") hash) (defstruct transaction from to (value 0) (accuracy 1) (duration 0) data hash previous-hash) (defun to-byte-array (x) (let ((retval (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (map 'nil (lambda (c) (vector-push-extend (char-code c) retval)) (format nil "~A" x)) ; (coerce retval 'ironclad::simple-octet-vector))) (defun make-address (x) (let ((digester (ironclad:make-digest :sha3))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array x)) (ironclad:produce-digest digester))) (defun hash-block (block) (let ((digester (ironclad:make-digest :sha3))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (block-index block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (block-timestamp block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (block-data block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (block-previous-hash block))) (ironclad:produce-digest digester))) (defun hash-transaction (block) (let ((digester (ironclad:make-digest :sha3))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-from block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-to block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-value block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-accuracy block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-duration block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-data block))) (ironclad:produce-digest digester))) (defun make-genesis-block (data time) (let* ((block (make-block :index 0 :timestamp time :data data :hash 0)) (hash (hash-block block))) (setf (block-hash block) hash) block)) (defmacro create-genesis-block (data) `(let ((time (get-universal-time))) (make-genesis-block ,data time))) (defun next-block (last-block data) (let ((block (make-block :index (1+ (block-index last-block)) :timestamp (get-universal-time) :data data :previous-hash (hash-block last-block)))) (setf (block-hash block) (hash-block block)) (push block *blockchain*) block)) (setf *print-base* 16) (defconstant *base-code* '(set! x 0)) (defparameter *network-address* (make-address *coin-name*)) (defparameter *quester-address* (make-address "quester")) (defparameter *miner-address* (make-address "miner")) (defparameter *contract-address* (make-address "contract")) (defparameter *block-transactions* (let ((transaction (make-transaction :from *network-address* :to *quester-address* :value (* 10000 10000 10000) :data *base-code*))) (setf (transaction-hash transaction) (hash-transaction transaction)) (list transaction))) (defparameter *blockchain* (list (create-genesis-block *block-transactions*))) (defparameter *previous-block* (car *blockchain*)) (defparameter *solved-transactions* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp :weak-kind t)) (eval-when (compile load) (defun new-transaction (&key from to (value 0) accuracy data previous-hash duration) (let ((transaction (make-transaction :from from :to to :value value :accuracy accuracy :data data :previous-hash previous-hash :duration duration))) (setf (transaction-hash transaction) (hash-transaction transaction)) (when previous-hash (setf (gethash (transaction-hash transaction) *solved-transactions*) t)) transaction))) (defmacro submit-answer (from transaction data) `(push (new-transaction :from ,from :to *contract-address* :previous-hash (transaction-hash transaction) :data ,data) *block-transactions*)) (defun has-transaction-not-been-solved (transaction) (if (gethash (transaction-hash transaction) *solved-transactions*) (not (setf (gethash (transaction-hash transaction) *solved-transactions*) transaction)) t)) (defun viable-transaction (transaction) (and (has-transaction-not-been-solved transaction) (<= (block-index (car *blockchain*)) (or (transaction-duration transaction) (get-universal-time))))) ;; can still submit (defun verify-transaction (transaction) (handler-case (interp (transaction-data transaction)) (error (e) e))) (defun execute-transactions (miner-address) (dolist (transaction *block-transactions*) (when (viable-transaction transaction) (print :submitting-answer) (submit-answer miner-address transaction (verify-transaction transaction)) ))) (defun mine () (when *block-transactions* (execute-transactions *miner-address*) (transfer *network-address* *miner-address* 1) (setf *previous-block* (next-block *previous-block* *block-transactions*)) (setf *block-transactions* nil))) (defmacro transfer (from to value) `(push (new-transaction :from ,from :to ,to :value ,value) *block-transactions*)) (defmacro execute (from value code &key (accuracy value) (duration (+ 2 (block-index (car *blockchain*))))) `(push (new-transaction :from ,from :to *contract-address* :value ,value :accuracy ,accuracy :data ',code :duration ,duration) *block-transactions*)) (defun process-transfer-request (request stream) (destructuring-bind (from to value) request (transfer from to value))) (defun process-execute-request (request stream) (destructuring-bind (from value data &key (accuracy value) (duration (+ 2 (block-index (car *blockchain*))))) request (execute from value data :accuracy accuracy :duration duration))) (defun process-blocks-request (request stream) (print *blockchain* stream)) (defun process-coin-server-request (stream) (let ((request (read stream))) (case request (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream)) (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream)) (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream))))) (defun coin-server (handle) (let ((stream (make-instance 'comm:socket-stream :socket handle :direction :io :element-type 'base-char))) (process-coin-server-request stream))) (defvar *server* (comm:start-up-server :function #'coin-server :service 9999 :process-name (format nil "~A server" *coin-name*))) (loop (mine) (sleep 1)) Enjoy! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Made with LispWorks, but it really only uses the function comm:start-up-server I think. — Burton Samograd BusFactor1 Inc. <> Check out my software in the macOS App Store.

seems to be a problem with the use of TRANSFER here: (defun process-coin-server-request (stream) (let ((request (read stream))) (case request (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream)) (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream)) (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream))))) Also redefines BLOCK and so we probably need to declare shadowing at the top. Not sure what the quickload stuff was trying to accomplish, but my resident version of Ironclad kept shadowing anything imported by quickload. No SHA3 digest in my resident version, so I replaced it (for now) with the bleeding edge version from GitHub. That worked, as far as I can tell. Actually had to compile buffer twice in order to get past the TRANSFER error (not sure why that even works?) but the system appears to be hung waiting for some kind of network connection. Perhaps you could give us a usage hint? Cheers, - DM

okay, my bad… I see that the TRANSFER is part of a CASE construct. But here is the error on initial compile buffer: The call (#<Function TRANSFER 422001358C> #(58 EF D8 12 7C 50 5F 84 C4 53 B3 DE EB 5E 5 8 CB E2 ED B7 D2 75 7C 34 1D DD 8 6 C0 74 8B 5F B3 13 91 D3 BD A7 FB E4 ...) #(5F 80 7 5C C6 4E 24 BE 27 EA EB DE 93 B5 92 E5 27 FF BF 37 40 90 63 D0 F5 38 D5 0 DA 6E 15 62 FA B5 CC 5 84 CC C5 A5 ...) 1) does not match definition (#<Function TRANSFER 422001358C> FROM TO VALUE). Debugger points to MINE. Happens during COMPILE-FILE. - DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 13:49, David McClain <> wrote:
seems to be a problem with the use of TRANSFER here:
(defun process-coin-server-request (stream) (let ((request (read stream))) (case request (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream)) (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream)) (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream)))))
Also redefines BLOCK and so we probably need to declare shadowing at the top.
Not sure what the quickload stuff was trying to accomplish, but my resident version of Ironclad kept shadowing anything imported by quickload. No SHA3 digest in my resident version, so I replaced it (for now) with the bleeding edge version from GitHub. That worked, as far as I can tell.
Actually had to compile buffer twice in order to get past the TRANSFER error (not sure why that even works?) but the system appears to be hung waiting for some kind of network connection. Perhaps you could give us a usage hint?
- DM

Problem with TRANSFER seems to be that its first use was prior to its Macro Definition. Placing the Macro Definition ahead of first use clears up the problem. But system is still hung waiting for a network connection… - DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 14:11, David McClain <> wrote:
okay, my bad… I see that the TRANSFER is part of a CASE construct. But here is the error on initial compile buffer:
The call (#<Function TRANSFER 422001358C> #(58 EF D8 12 7C 50 5F 84 C4 53 B3 DE EB 5E 5 8 CB E2 ED B7 D2 75 7C 34 1D DD 8 6 C0 74 8B 5F B3 13 91 D3 BD A7 FB E4 ...) #(5F 80 7 5C C6 4E 24 BE 27 EA EB DE 93 B5 92 E5 27 FF BF 37 40 90 63 D0 F5 38 D5 0 DA 6E 15 62 FA B5 CC 5 84 CC C5 A5 ...) 1) does not match definition (#<Function TRANSFER 422001358C> FROM TO VALUE).
Debugger points to MINE. Happens during COMPILE-FILE.
- DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 13:49, David McClain < <>> wrote:
seems to be a problem with the use of TRANSFER here:
(defun process-coin-server-request (stream) (let ((request (read stream))) (case request (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream)) (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream)) (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream)))))
Also redefines BLOCK and so we probably need to declare shadowing at the top.
Not sure what the quickload stuff was trying to accomplish, but my resident version of Ironclad kept shadowing anything imported by quickload. No SHA3 digest in my resident version, so I replaced it (for now) with the bleeding edge version from GitHub. That worked, as far as I can tell.
Actually had to compile buffer twice in order to get past the TRANSFER error (not sure why that even works?) but the system appears to be hung waiting for some kind of network connection. Perhaps you could give us a usage hint?
- DM

umm… was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I’ll bite... I don’t get it. I was actually hoping to learn something here... But the code does look rather peculiar on close inspection. Why the use of macros for pushing new transaction blocks? And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values… If it is supposed to be a joke, I’ll chuckle and just chuck the code… - DM

On 18 Dec 2017, at 23:31, David McClain <> wrote:
umm… was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I’ll bite... I don’t get it. I was actually hoping to learn something here...
But the code does look rather peculiar on close inspection. Why the use of macros for pushing new transaction blocks? And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
If it is supposed to be a joke, I’ll chuckle and just chuck the code…
I guess not: It’s like, everybody will be busy implementing blockchains. It’s the new fizz-buzz… -- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__

Well, I thought, after delving deeper into the code, that it might be some kind of sophisticated programmer humor, making a comment about the vast amount of CPU cycles devoted to nonsensical computing or some such… - DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 15:54, Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote:
On 18 Dec 2017, at 23:31, David McClain < <>> wrote:
umm… was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I’ll bite... I don’t get it. I was actually hoping to learn something here...
But the code does look rather peculiar on close inspection. Why the use of macros for pushing new transaction blocks? And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
If it is supposed to be a joke, I’ll chuckle and just chuck the code…
I guess not: <> It’s like, everybody will be busy implementing blockchains. It’s the new fizz-buzz…
-- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__

Hi David, An attempt at humour? No, not intentionally! haha But anything I can do that can make people laugh is good in my books. It’s a somewhat serious ‘rough sketch’ of a working blockchain (at least I think it’s working) and an example of how such a system would work; a springboard. I got a bit creative with the addition of a Scheme interpreter in an attempt to make the system ‘useful’ rather than ‘wasteful’. It’s incomplete, i know that at this point, but I thought I would share. Writing explanatory blockchains is pretty hot right now. I hope this one is simple (and correct!) enough to show the concepts in a familiar language. — Burton Samograd
On Dec 18, 2017, at 4:00 PM, David McClain <> wrote:
Well, I thought, after delving deeper into the code, that it might be some kind of sophisticated programmer humor, making a comment about the vast amount of CPU cycles devoted to nonsensical computing or some such…
- DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 15:54, Pascal Bourguignon < <>> wrote:
On 18 Dec 2017, at 23:31, David McClain < <>> wrote:
umm… was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I’ll bite... I don’t get it. I was actually hoping to learn something here...
But the code does look rather peculiar on close inspection. Why the use of macros for pushing new transaction blocks? And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
If it is supposed to be a joke, I’ll chuckle and just chuck the code…
I guess not: <> It’s like, everybody will be busy implementing blockchains. It’s the new fizz-buzz…
-- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__

Hi Burton,
On Dec 18, 2017, at 21:10, Burton Samograd <> wrote:
Hi David,
An attempt at humour? No, not intentionally! haha But anything I can do that can make people laugh is good in my books.
I was wondering, after some of the other comments. But now I understand why you used macros on the major update functions. That isn’t something I would normally do because it precludes introducing computed parameter values, and also leaves you open to variable capture. So that degree of complexity seemed like it might have been part of the joke. I don’t recall completely, but it did seem like one of your uses of an update macro actually did introduce a free variable inside the macro, and that would then only work if the outer lexical context of the macro had a same-named binding. Macros introduce a whole other layer of complexity. That’s probably why so many in the Scheme camp seem bent on hygienic macros. Cheers, - DM

It is. I submitted it to Hacker News, but the upvotes didn’t show like the Python one that got up there today: Upvote please, if you have an account. -- Burton Samograd
On Dec 18, 2017, at 3:54 PM, Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote:
On 18 Dec 2017, at 23:31, David McClain < <>> wrote:
umm… was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I’ll bite... I don’t get it. I was actually hoping to learn something here...
But the code does look rather peculiar on close inspection. Why the use of macros for pushing new transaction blocks? And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
If it is supposed to be a joke, I’ll chuckle and just chuck the code…
I guess not: <> It’s like, everybody will be busy implementing blockchains. It’s the new fizz-buzz…
-- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__

On Dec 18, 2017, at 23:54 , Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote:
On 18 Dec 2017, at 23:31, David McClain <> wrote:
umm… was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I’ll bite... I don’t get it. I was actually hoping to learn something here...
But the code does look rather peculiar on close inspection. Why the use of macros for pushing new transaction blocks? And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
If it is supposed to be a joke, I’ll chuckle and just chuck the code…
I guess not: It’s like, everybody will be busy implementing blockchains. It’s the new fizz-buzz…
… or planting tulips :) :) :) Cheers MA -- Marco Antoniotti

It seems to me that, instead of performing totally useless computations for POW, a group like CERN might enlist the miners to search for W-Boson events from their detector trails, or astronomers might enlist the mining enclaves to search for SETI events… (no joke…) - DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 23:03, Antoniotti Marco <> wrote:
On Dec 18, 2017, at 23:54 , Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote:
On 18 Dec 2017, at 23:31, David McClain <> wrote:
umm… was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I’ll bite... I don’t get it. I was actually hoping to learn something here...
But the code does look rather peculiar on close inspection. Why the use of macros for pushing new transaction blocks? And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
If it is supposed to be a joke, I’ll chuckle and just chuck the code…
I guess not: It’s like, everybody will be busy implementing blockchains. It’s the new fizz-buzz…
… or planting tulips :) :) :)
-- Marco Antoniotti

On Dec 18, 2017, at 3:31 PM, David McClain <> wrote:
umm… was this supposed to be some kind of joke?
Not intentionally, but I think I cleared that up earlier :)
I’ll bite... I don’t get it. I was actually hoping to learn something here…
What didn’t you learn? What were you expecting to see?
But the code does look rather peculiar on close inspection.
I’ve got my own style. I rarely work with other people(’s) code in CL, so this is how I write it.
Why the use of macros for pushing new transaction blocks?
So I don’t have to quote arguments in the REPL when typing in the calls manually. It also saves the caller from having to remember which arguments to quote when calling, just their form.
And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
I’m not sure what you mean there. This code? (defun to-byte-array (x) (let ((retval (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (map 'nil (lambda (c) (vector-push-extend (char-code c) retval)) (format nil "~A" x)) ; (coerce retval 'ironclad::simple-octet-vector))) I would think the ~A in the format would give a solid textual representation for any type that has a printable expression. Am I incorrect in that?
If it is supposed to be a joke, I’ll chuckle and just chuck the code…
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope others find it useful.
- DM
— Burton Samograd

And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
I’m not sure what you mean there. This code?
(defun to-byte-array (x) (let ((retval (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (map 'nil (lambda (c) (vector-push-extend (char-code c) retval)) (format nil "~A" x)) ; (coerce retval 'ironclad::simple-octet-vector)))
I would think the ~A in the format would give a solid textual representation for any type that has a printable expression. Am I incorrect in that?
Sorry, I might have got a bit ahead of myself there. But in general, objects that might be involved in a transaction could have values that are difficult to print. Take for example a structure, or a class instance. And for floating point values, the ~A is too lenient in terms of digits printed, rounding, etc. This code will also be dependent on the current value of *PRINT-BASE*, which I noticed that you permanently set to 16 along the way. But I saw your intent, and I substituted my own network byte encoding which handles everything except compiled closures. - DM

Patches welcome. Burton
On Dec 19, 2017, at 3:41 AM, David McClain <> wrote:
And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
I’m not sure what you mean there. This code?
(defun to-byte-array (x) (let ((retval (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (map 'nil (lambda (c) (vector-push-extend (char-code c) retval)) (format nil "~A" x)) ; (coerce retval 'ironclad::simple-octet-vector)))
I would think the ~A in the format would give a solid textual representation for any type that has a printable expression. Am I incorrect in that?
Sorry, I might have got a bit ahead of myself there. But in general, objects that might be involved in a transaction could have values that are difficult to print.
Take for example a structure, or a class instance. And for floating point values, the ~A is too lenient in terms of digits printed, rounding, etc. This code will also be dependent on the current value of *PRINT-BASE*, which I noticed that you permanently set to 16 along the way.
But I saw your intent, and I substituted my own network byte encoding which handles everything except compiled closures.
- DM

TBH it doesn’t really do anything yet but evaluate ‘code’ transactions that are placed on the blockchain using the (execute …) macro, like this: CL-USER 20 : 2 > (execute *quester-address* 1 (set! square (lambda (x) (* x x)))) (#S(TRANSACTION :FROM #(82 47 C9 D C8 6F 69 5A 25 3B 8A 6F 44 17 8F A8 EC 6B F8 24 30 3F AC FC D8 B7 20 4 BD F0 4F 8F 39 C1 EA C4 67 1F A2 2A ...) :TO #(FE BA 12 F3 81 48 A2 89 31 7D 9C D5 8D 80 91 C4 F4 CE 6B 7B B6 E7 A8 8F 11 89 8 F6 6E 7E 26 E8 39 95 73 BD 63 B0 4D 54 ...) :VALUE 1 :ACCURACY 1 :DURATION 13D5 :|DATA| (SET! SQUARE #) :HASH #(A5 42 F8 E3 CE 1E 2B 4C BF C2 83 C9 CF 45 38 CF CB 9B CB 85 9A F2 AC D7 26 5A A0 BE D4 C4 6E 37 F3 DD DC 85 A4 50 7B BD ...) :PREVIOUS-HASH NIL)) CL-USER 21 : 2 > (execute *quester-address* 1 (set! double (lambda (x) (+ x x)))) (#S(TRANSACTION :FROM #(82 47 C9 D C8 6F 69 5A 25 3B 8A 6F 44 17 8F A8 EC 6B F8 24 30 3F AC FC D8 B7 20 4 BD F0 4F 8F 39 C1 EA C4 67 1F A2 2A ...) :TO #(FE BA 12 F3 81 48 A2 89 31 7D 9C D5 8D 80 91 C4 F4 CE 6B 7B B6 E7 A8 8F 11 89 8 F6 6E 7E 26 E8 39 95 73 BD 63 B0 4D 54 ...) :VALUE 1 :ACCURACY 1 :DURATION 13D6 :|DATA| (SET! DOUBLE #) :HASH #(65 66 2D CD 38 AD 3D 5C 2 2D 4D 86 CE D2 79 D8 FC 63 B1 45 FF 7E 79 94 EF 82 D2 AD B5 3F B1 DD A5 70 1E E9 4E 6C 4E 1C ...) :PREVIOUS-HASH NIL)) CL-USER 22 : 2 > (execute *quester-address* 1 (set! x (+ (double 4) (square 4)))) (#S(TRANSACTION :FROM #(82 47 C9 D C8 6F 69 5A 25 3B 8A 6F 44 17 8F A8 EC 6B F8 24 30 3F AC FC D8 B7 20 4 BD F0 4F 8F 39 C1 EA C4 67 1F A2 2A ...) :TO #(FE BA 12 F3 81 48 A2 89 31 7D 9C D5 8D 80 91 C4 F4 CE 6B 7B B6 E7 A8 8F 11 89 8 F6 6E 7E 26 E8 39 95 73 BD 63 B0 4D 54 ...) :VALUE 1 :ACCURACY 1 :DURATION 13D7 :|DATA| (SET! X #) :HASH #(21 5C 71 F2 1F 5C B9 4F AE 4D 44 90 3 C8 7 39 51 64 5A D4 39 69 95 C0 4A 9F E6 30 8C 9D 4E DB E4 57 6C 98 31 79 E7 C2 ...) :PREVIOUS-HASH NIL)) CL-USER 23 : 2 > (pprint (car *blockchain*)) #S(BLOCK :INDEX 13D6 :TIMESTAMP DDE31477 :|DATA| (#S(TRANSACTION :FROM # :TO # :VALUE 1 :ACCURACY NIL :DURATION NIL :|DATA| NIL :HASH # :PREVIOUS-HASH NIL) #S(TRANSACTION :FROM # :TO # :VALUE 0 :ACCURACY NIL :DURATION NIL :|DATA| 18 :HASH # :PREVIOUS-HASH #) #S(TRANSACTION :FROM # :TO # :VALUE 1 :ACCURACY 1 :DURATION 13D7 :|DATA| # :HASH # :PREVIOUS-HASH NIL)) :PREVIOUS-HASH #(D8 35 FF D5 4B 42 89 FA D4 E1 BB 16 BA C1 8 70 B8 A9 73 64 20 C9 7A D2 20 C1 50 5E 10 38 9E 3 D6 DF 95 C3 39 7 F8 74 ...) :HASH #(D 33 62 56 1E ED 9D EE 93 A2 53 95 21 39 9F C2 54 40 DE 3D D2 4A 90 20 CD 4D FF 4B C2 68 7D 4F FA 4D 4 9 EC 93 CC F ...)) CL-USER 24 : 2 > Where *quester-address* is an address that has some ‘value’ (as given to it by the “genesis” transaction in this implementation (aka this is totally premined)), the amount they are sending to ‘give’ to the miner for answering (aka the value that is transferred between accounts upon proof of work). — Burton Samograd
On Dec 18, 2017, at 2:21 PM, David McClain <> wrote:
Problem with TRANSFER seems to be that its first use was prior to its Macro Definition. Placing the Macro Definition ahead of first use clears up the problem. But system is still hung waiting for a network connection…
- DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 14:11, David McClain < <>> wrote:
okay, my bad… I see that the TRANSFER is part of a CASE construct. But here is the error on initial compile buffer:
The call (#<Function TRANSFER 422001358C> #(58 EF D8 12 7C 50 5F 84 C4 53 B3 DE EB 5E 5 8 CB E2 ED B7 D2 75 7C 34 1D DD 8 6 C0 74 8B 5F B3 13 91 D3 BD A7 FB E4 ...) #(5F 80 7 5C C6 4E 24 BE 27 EA EB DE 93 B5 92 E5 27 FF BF 37 40 90 63 D0 F5 38 D5 0 DA 6E 15 62 FA B5 CC 5 84 CC C5 A5 ...) 1) does not match definition (#<Function TRANSFER 422001358C> FROM TO VALUE).
Debugger points to MINE. Happens during COMPILE-FILE.
- DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 13:49, David McClain < <>> wrote:
seems to be a problem with the use of TRANSFER here:
(defun process-coin-server-request (stream) (let ((request (read stream))) (case request (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream)) (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream)) (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream)))))
Also redefines BLOCK and so we probably need to declare shadowing at the top.
Not sure what the quickload stuff was trying to accomplish, but my resident version of Ironclad kept shadowing anything imported by quickload. No SHA3 digest in my resident version, so I replaced it (for now) with the bleeding edge version from GitHub. That worked, as far as I can tell.
Actually had to compile buffer twice in order to get past the TRANSFER error (not sure why that even works?) but the system appears to be hung waiting for some kind of network connection. Perhaps you could give us a usage hint?
- DM

As someone pointed out, I used the macro transfer before defining it accidentally. Sorry about, I’ve fixed that in the next version. — Burton
On Dec 18, 2017, at 2:11 PM, David McClain <> wrote:
okay, my bad… I see that the TRANSFER is part of a CASE construct. But here is the error on initial compile buffer:
The call (#<Function TRANSFER 422001358C> #(58 EF D8 12 7C 50 5F 84 C4 53 B3 DE EB 5E 5 8 CB E2 ED B7 D2 75 7C 34 1D DD 8 6 C0 74 8B 5F B3 13 91 D3 BD A7 FB E4 ...) #(5F 80 7 5C C6 4E 24 BE 27 EA EB DE 93 B5 92 E5 27 FF BF 37 40 90 63 D0 F5 38 D5 0 DA 6E 15 62 FA B5 CC 5 84 CC C5 A5 ...) 1) does not match definition (#<Function TRANSFER 422001358C> FROM TO VALUE).
Debugger points to MINE. Happens during COMPILE-FILE.
- DM
On Dec 18, 2017, at 13:49, David McClain < <>> wrote:
seems to be a problem with the use of TRANSFER here:
(defun process-coin-server-request (stream) (let ((request (read stream))) (case request (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream)) (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream)) (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream)))))
Also redefines BLOCK and so we probably need to declare shadowing at the top.
Not sure what the quickload stuff was trying to accomplish, but my resident version of Ironclad kept shadowing anything imported by quickload. No SHA3 digest in my resident version, so I replaced it (for now) with the bleeding edge version from GitHub. That worked, as far as I can tell.
Actually had to compile buffer twice in order to get past the TRANSFER error (not sure why that even works?) but the system appears to be hung waiting for some kind of network connection. Perhaps you could give us a usage hint?
- DM

On Dec 18, 2017, at 1:49 PM, David McClain <> wrote:
seems to be a problem with the use of TRANSFER here:
(defun process-coin-server-request (stream) (let ((request (read stream))) (case request (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream)) (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream)) (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream)))))
Also redefines BLOCK and so we probably need to declare shadowing at the top.
My bad, totally slipped my mind. I’ll rename that to resolve the conflict in the next version.
Not sure what the quickload stuff was trying to accomplish, but my resident version of Ironclad kept shadowing anything imported by quickload. No SHA3 digest in my resident version, so I replaced it (for now) with the bleeding edge version from GitHub. That worked, as far as I can tell.
Yes, I tend to use the most recent versions of your library, but given it’s crypto library it might be good you upgraded.
Actually had to compile buffer twice in order to get past the TRANSFER error (not sure why that even works?) but the system appears to be hung waiting for some kind of network connection. Perhaps you could give us a usage hint?
My mistake on not doing a clean compile before releasing; most of this was made interactively and I haven’t gotten around to writing a full app target in my LW. Thanks for the feedback.
-- Burton Samograd
- DM

Ha ha ha, awesome! On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 12:57 AM, Burton Samograd <> wrote:
Here’s a little ditty I decided to share. A Common Lisp Blockchain implementation of a coin that has a useful Proof of Work: Scheme Evaluation.
Incomplete, but still interesting per the previous week’s discussion.
;; ;; scheme coin - a common lisp blockchain ;; ;; Burton Samograd ;; 2017
(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
(defconstant *coin-name* "Scheme Coin")
(eval-when (compile load) (ql:quickload "ironclad"))
(defun rest2 (l) (cddr l))
(defun interp (x &optional env) "Interpret (evaluate) the expression x in the environment env." (cond ((symbolp x) (get-var x env)) ((atom x) x) ((scheme-macro (first x)) (interp (scheme-macro-expand x) env)) ((case (first x) (QUOTE (second x)) (BEGIN (last1 (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (interp y env)) (rest x)))) (SET! (set-var! (second x) (interp (third x) env) env)) (if (if (interp (second x) env) (interp (third x) env) (interp (fourth x) env))) (LAMBDA (let ((parms (second x)) (code (maybe-add 'begin (rest2 x)))) #'(lambda (&rest args) (interp code (extend-env parms args env))))) (t ;; a procedure application (apply (interp (first x) env) (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (interp v env)) (rest x))))))))
(defun scheme-macro (symbol) (and (symbolp symbol) (get symbol 'scheme-macro)))
(defmacro def-scheme-macro (name parmlist &body body) `(setf (get ',name 'scheme-macro) #'(lambda ,parmlist .,body)))
(defun scheme-macro-expand (x) (if (and (listp x) (scheme-macro (first x))) (scheme-macro-expand (apply (scheme-macro (first x)) (rest x))) x))
(defun set-var! (var val env) "Set a variable to a value, in the given or global environment." (if (assoc var env) (setf (second (assoc var env)) val) (set-global-var! var val)) val)
(defun get-var (var env) (if (assoc var env) (second (assoc var env)) (get-global-var var)))
(defun set-global-var! (var val) (setf (get var 'global-val) val))
(defun get-global-var (var) (let* ((default "unbound") (val (get var 'global-val default))) (if (eq val default) (error "Unbound scheme variable: ~A" var) val)))
(defun extend-env (vars vals env) "Add some variables and values to and environment." (nconc (mapcar #'list vars vals) env))
(defparameter *scheme-procs* '(+ - * / = < > <= >= cons car cdr not append list read member (null? null) (eq? eq) (equal? equal) (eqv? eql) (write prin1) (display princ) (newline terpri)))
(defun init-scheme-interp () (mapc #'init-scheme-proc *scheme-procs*) (set-global-var! t t) (set-global-var! nil nil))
(defun init-scheme-proc (f) (if (listp f) (set-global-var! (first f) (symbol-function (second f))) (set-global-var! f (symbol-function f))))
(defun maybe-add (op exps &optional if-nil) (cond ((null exps) if-nil) ((length=1 exps) (first exps)) (t (cons op exps))))
(defun length=1 (x) (and (consp x) (null (cdr x))))
(defun last1 (list) (first (last list)))
(defun scheme () (init-scheme-interp) (loop (format t "~&==> ") (print (interp (read) nil))))
(def-scheme-macro let (bindings &rest body) `((lambda ,(mapcar #'first bindings) . ,body) .,(mapcar #'second bindings)))
(def-scheme-macro let* (bindings &rest body) (if (null bindings) `(begin . ,body) `(let (,(first bindings)) (let* ,(rest bindings) . ,body))))
(def-scheme-macro and (&rest args) (cond ((null args) 'T) ((length=1 args) (first args)) (t `(if ,(first args) (and . ,(rest args))))))
(def-scheme-macro or (&rest args) (cond ((null args) 'nil) ((length=1 args) (first args)) (t (let ((var (gensym))) `(let ((,var ,(first args))) (if ,var ,var (or . ,(rest args))))))))
(init-scheme-interp) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; and there we have a scheme interpreter with macros. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defstruct block (index 0) (timestamp 0) data (previous-hash "") hash)
(defstruct transaction from to (value 0) (accuracy 1) (duration 0) data hash previous-hash)
(defun to-byte-array (x) (let ((retval (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (map 'nil (lambda (c) (vector-push-extend (char-code c) retval)) (format nil "~A" x)) ; (coerce retval 'ironclad::simple-octet-vector)))
(defun make-address (x) (let ((digester (ironclad:make-digest :sha3))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array x)) (ironclad:produce-digest digester)))
(defun hash-block (block) (let ((digester (ironclad:make-digest :sha3))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (block-index block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (block-timestamp block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (block-data block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (block-previous-hash block))) (ironclad:produce-digest digester)))
(defun hash-transaction (block) (let ((digester (ironclad:make-digest :sha3))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-from block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-to block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-value block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-accuracy block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-duration block))) (ironclad:update-digest digester (to-byte-array (transaction-data block))) (ironclad:produce-digest digester)))
(defun make-genesis-block (data time) (let* ((block (make-block :index 0 :timestamp time :data data :hash 0)) (hash (hash-block block))) (setf (block-hash block) hash) block))
(defmacro create-genesis-block (data) `(let ((time (get-universal-time))) (make-genesis-block ,data time)))
(defun next-block (last-block data) (let ((block (make-block :index (1+ (block-index last-block)) :timestamp (get-universal-time) :data data :previous-hash (hash-block last-block)))) (setf (block-hash block) (hash-block block)) (push block *blockchain*) block))
(setf *print-base* 16)
(defconstant *base-code* '(set! x 0))
(defparameter *network-address* (make-address *coin-name*)) (defparameter *quester-address* (make-address "quester")) (defparameter *miner-address* (make-address "miner")) (defparameter *contract-address* (make-address "contract"))
(defparameter *block-transactions* (let ((transaction (make-transaction :from *network-address* :to *quester-address* :value (* 10000 10000 10000) :data *base-code*))) (setf (transaction-hash transaction) (hash-transaction transaction)) (list transaction)))
(defparameter *blockchain* (list (create-genesis-block *block-transactions*)))
(defparameter *previous-block* (car *blockchain*))
(defparameter *solved-transactions* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp :weak-kind t)) (eval-when (compile load) (defun new-transaction (&key from to (value 0) accuracy data previous-hash duration) (let ((transaction (make-transaction :from from :to to :value value :accuracy accuracy :data data :previous-hash previous-hash :duration duration))) (setf (transaction-hash transaction) (hash-transaction transaction)) (when previous-hash (setf (gethash (transaction-hash transaction) *solved-transactions*) t)) transaction)))
(defmacro submit-answer (from transaction data) `(push (new-transaction :from ,from :to *contract-address* :previous-hash (transaction-hash transaction) :data ,data) *block-transactions*))
(defun has-transaction-not-been-solved (transaction) (if (gethash (transaction-hash transaction) *solved-transactions*) (not (setf (gethash (transaction-hash transaction) *solved-transactions*) transaction)) t))
(defun viable-transaction (transaction) (and (has-transaction-not-been-solved transaction) (<= (block-index (car *blockchain*)) (or (transaction-duration transaction) (get-universal-time))))) ;; can still submit
(defun verify-transaction (transaction) (handler-case (interp (transaction-data transaction)) (error (e) e)))
(defun execute-transactions (miner-address) (dolist (transaction *block-transactions*) (when (viable-transaction transaction) (print :submitting-answer) (submit-answer miner-address transaction (verify-transaction transaction)) )))
(defun mine () (when *block-transactions* (execute-transactions *miner-address*) (transfer *network-address* *miner-address* 1) (setf *previous-block* (next-block *previous-block* *block-transactions*)) (setf *block-transactions* nil)))
(defmacro transfer (from to value) `(push (new-transaction :from ,from :to ,to :value ,value) *block-transactions*))
(defmacro execute (from value code &key (accuracy value) (duration (+ 2 (block-index (car *blockchain*))))) `(push (new-transaction :from ,from :to *contract-address* :value ,value :accuracy ,accuracy :data ',code :duration ,duration) *block-transactions*))
(defun process-transfer-request (request stream) (destructuring-bind (from to value) request (transfer from to value)))
(defun process-execute-request (request stream) (destructuring-bind (from value data &key (accuracy value) (duration (+ 2 (block-index (car *blockchain*))))) request (execute from value data :accuracy accuracy :duration duration)))
(defun process-blocks-request (request stream) (print *blockchain* stream))
(defun process-coin-server-request (stream) (let ((request (read stream))) (case request (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream)) (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream)) (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream)))))
(defun coin-server (handle) (let ((stream (make-instance 'comm:socket-stream :socket handle :direction :io :element-type 'base-char))) (process-coin-server-request stream)))
(defvar *server* (comm:start-up-server :function #'coin-server :service 9999 :process-name (format nil "~A server" *coin-name*)))
(loop (mine) (sleep 1))
Enjoy! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Made with LispWorks, but it really only uses the function comm:start-up-server I think.
— Burton Samograd BusFactor1 Inc.
Check out my software in the macOS App Store.
participants (6)
Antoniotti Marco
Burton Samograd
Burton Samograd
David McClain
Pascal Bourguignon
Scott McKay