[pro] CL-PDF in ACL 64bit - anyone know how to get 64bit ZLIB?

CL-PDF looks very useful for me. Thanks Marc and the team at ILC2014 for this and all the great info! Ok, now to use CL-PDF on Allegro I SVN'ed it from https://github.com/mbattyani/cl-pdf and tried to build it with acl-load the essence of which is (defparameter *cl-pdf-home* excl:*source-pathname*) (defun cl-file (x) (tpl:do-command "cl" (namestring (merge-pathnames x *cl-pdf-home*)))) (eval-when (load) (mapc #'cl-file '("defpackage" "cl-zlib-small" "pdf" "pdf-base" "pdf-geom" ))) note the lower case do-command "cl" not "CL" since I am in modern mode ACL 9.0 64 bit Anyhow it does not work, since cl-zlib-small.lisp tells me to: (defvar *libgz-path* "/usr/lib/libz.so" "Set this variable to point to the location of the zlib library (libz.so or zlib.dll) on your system.") which begs the question of where is zlib.dll for 64 bits? It is not on my machine and I cant seem to find it on the WWW... Any LISPer's using CL-PDF on ACL WIndows 64bit who have solved this problem? Any help much appreciated... Martin M

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Martin Mallinson < martin@mallinson.homeip.net> wrote:
CL-PDF looks very useful for me. Thanks Marc and the team at ILC2014 for this and all the great info!
Ok, now to use CL-PDF on Allegro I SVN'ed it from https://github.com/mbattyani/cl-pdf and tried to build it with acl-load the essence of which is
(defparameter *cl-pdf-home* excl:*source-pathname*)
(defun cl-file (x) (tpl:do-command "cl" (namestring (merge-pathnames x *cl-pdf-home*))))
(eval-when (load) (mapc #'cl-file '("defpackage" "cl-zlib-small" "pdf" "pdf-base" "pdf-geom" )))
note the lower case do-command "cl" not "CL" since I am in modern mode ACL 9.0 64 bit
Note that Allegro 9 should come with ASDF 3, which can load cl-pdf: (require "asdf") (asdf:load-system "cl-pdf")
If it doesn't provide the latest ASDF 3.1.3, it's a good time to file a bug: (asdf:asdf-version) Though if it provides 3.0.1 or later, that's not too bad.
Anyhow it does not work, since cl-zlib-small.lisp tells me to: (defvar *libgz-path* "/usr/lib/libz.so" "Set this variable to point to the location of the zlib library (libz.so or zlib.dll) on your system.")
which begs the question of where is zlib.dll for 64 bits? It is not on my machine and I cant seem to find it on the WWW... Any LISPer's using CL-PDF on ACL WIndows 64bit who have solved this problem? Any help much appreciated...
Have you tried these pages? Googling for gzip dll windows: http://www.gzip.org/ http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gzip.htm
In the worst case, you should be able to compile from source... PS: I loved your interventions at ILC 2014. Nice to meet you! —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. — Carl Jung (1875–1961)

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Martin Mallinson < martin@mallinson.homeip.net> wrote:
CL-PDF looks very useful for me. Thanks Marc and the team at ILC2014 for this and all the great info!
Ok, now to use CL-PDF on Allegro I SVN'ed it from https://github.com/mbattyani/cl-pdf and tried to build it with acl-load the essence of which is
(defparameter *cl-pdf-home* excl:*source-pathname*)
(defun cl-file (x) (tpl:do-command "cl" (namestring (merge-pathnames x *cl-pdf-home*))))
(eval-when (load) (mapc #'cl-file '("defpackage" "cl-zlib-small" "pdf" "pdf-base" "pdf-geom" )))
note the lower case do-command "cl" not "CL" since I am in modern mode ACL 9.0 64 bit
Anyhow it does not work, since cl-zlib-small.lisp tells me to: (defvar *libgz-path* "/usr/lib/libz.so" "Set this variable to point to the location of the zlib library (libz.so or zlib.dll) on your system.")
which begs the question of where is zlib.dll for 64 bits? It is not on my machine and I cant seem to find it on the WWW... Any LISPer's using CL-PDF on ACL WIndows 64bit who have solved this problem? Any help much appreciated...
Here is what seems like a package precompiled for mingw64 of zlib-1.2.5 <http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/External%20binary%20packages%20%28Win64%20hosted%29/Binaries%20%2864-bit%29/zlib-1.2.5-bin-x64.zip/download> . Just in case it could be useful to you. Cheers, JCB

Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:10:53 -0700 From: Martin Mallinson <martin@mallinson.homeip.net>
Ok, now to use CL-PDF on Allegro I SVN'ed it from https://github.com/mbattyani/cl-pdf and tried to build it ...
1. Was there any particular reason for not using quicklisp? There should be no "try to build" with quicklisp - it's supposed to Just Work. (ql:quickload :cl-pdf) 2. cl-pdf.asd (which is what quickload will load) gives you a choice of compressions. Salza is implemented in lisp. ;;;Choose the zlib implementation you want to use (only one!) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) ;;(pushnew :use-salza2-zlib *features*) ;;(pushnew :use-salza-zlib *features*) ;;(pushnew :use-uffi-zlib *features*) ;;(pushnew :use-abcl-zlib *features*) (pushnew :use-no-zlib *features*) ) Hey Presto! Escape that Library Hell! - nick
participants (4)
Jean-Claude Beaudoin
Martin Mallinson
Nick Levine