Paredit-mode in the slime repl

After the last Emacs upgrade to 26.1, the M-s key bind from paredit-mode is replaced by `Next element matching (regexp)` command in the slime repl buffer. Sorry for the silly question, but how to get M-s mapped to paredit-splice-sexp again? In a lisp file buffer it is working as expected. Best, -- Alexandre Rademaker

On 28 Jul 2018, at 02:40, Alexandre Rademaker <> wrote:
After the last Emacs upgrade to 26.1, the M-s key bind from paredit-mode is replaced by `Next element matching (regexp)` command in the slime repl buffer. Sorry for the silly question, but how to get M-s mapped to paredit-splice-sexp again? In a lisp file buffer it is working as expected.
(push (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd “M-s”) ‘paredit-splice-sexp)) slime-repl-mode-hook) or more emacsy: (add-hook ‘slime-repl-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd “M-s”) ‘paredit-splice-sexp))) Also to consider: there’s probably a keymap for the silme-repl-mode, you could modify it directly. -- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__

Thank you Pascal. What I didn't understand is why the keybinds are so different in the slime-repl-mode and in the lisp-mode while editing a .lisp file. Best, Alexandre Rademaker On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 10:12 PM Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote:
On 28 Jul 2018, at 02:40, Alexandre Rademaker <> wrote:
After the last Emacs upgrade to 26.1, the M-s key bind from paredit-mode is replaced by `Next element matching (regexp)` command in the slime repl buffer. Sorry for the silly question, but how to get M-s mapped to paredit-splice-sexp again? In a lisp file buffer it is working as expected.
(push (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd “M-s”) ‘paredit-splice-sexp)) slime-repl-mode-hook)
or more emacsy: (add-hook ‘slime-repl-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd “M-s”) ‘paredit-splice-sexp)))
Also to consider: there’s probably a keymap for the silme-repl-mode, you could modify it directly.
-- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__

On 4 Aug 2018, at 03:13, Alexandre Rademaker <> wrote:
Thank you Pascal. What I didn't understand is why the keybinds are so different in the slime-repl-mode and in the lisp-mode while editing a .lisp file.
Output in the slime repl buffer is rarely lisp forms. And even input in the slime repl buffer is lisp forms only when you’re entering into the REPL itself. But if you’re running a lisp program, using read-line or read-char, you can edit and input anything there. So there’s little reason why the key bindings in the slime repl buffer should be as restrictive as in a lisp buffer. -- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__

That is one of the reasons why I use smartparens [1], instead. [1]: On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 8:40 AM, Alexandre Rademaker <> wrote:
After the last Emacs upgrade to 26.1, the M-s key bind from paredit-mode is replaced by `Next element matching (regexp)` command in the slime repl buffer. Sorry for the silly question, but how to get M-s mapped to paredit-splice-sexp again? In a lisp file buffer it is working as expected.
-- Alexandre Rademaker
-- Rommel MARTINEZ

That is one of the reasons why I use smartparens [1], instead. [1]: On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 8:40 AM, Alexandre Rademaker <> wrote:
After the last Emacs upgrade to 26.1, the M-s key bind from paredit-mode is replaced by `Next element matching (regexp)` command in the slime repl buffer. Sorry for the silly question, but how to get M-s mapped to paredit-splice-sexp again? In a lisp file buffer it is working as expected.
-- Alexandre Rademaker
-- Rommel MARTINEZ
participants (4)
Alexandre Rademaker
Pascal Bourguignon
Pascal Bourguignon