[pro] how to validate an XML file agains an DTD?

Hello, I know that probably this is not the best place to ask this question but my message to cxml-devel had no answer!! ;-( http://lists.common-lisp.net/pipermail/cxml-devel/2012-March/000554.html I need to validate a XML file that doesn't have the doctype declaration. Actually, I don't have control over the creation of the XML files so I am not able to change the fact that those files don't have doctype declarations. My problem is how to validate does files against a DTD. I found at http://common-lisp.net/project/cxml/sax.html#parser that the correctly way should be:
(let ((d (cxml:parse-file "0675365413696898.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))) (x (cxml:parse-dtd-file "LMPLCurriculo.DTD"))) (dom:map-document (cxml:make-validator x #"CURRICULO-VITAE") d))
But that gives me two warnings and returns NIL Warning: deprecated SAX default method used by a handler that is not a subclass of SAX:ABSTRACT-HANDLER or HAX:ABSTRACT-HANDLER Warning: deprecated SAX default method used by a handler that is not a subclass of SAX:ABSTRACT-HANDLER or HAX:ABSTRACT-HANDLER NIL That is, it is working. I also tried with an invalid XML and the code fired an error as expected! What about these warnings? Does anything changed in the library and was not documented? How to solve them? Best, Alexandre Rademaker http://arademaker.github.com/
participants (1)
Alexandre Rademaker