What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g. (in-package :xxx) (defun ...) I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it. Thanks pt

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com>wrote:
What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g.
(in-package :xxx) (defun ...)
I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it.
I suspect you are making some other mistake, I do that all the time and the spec says forms in a toplevel progn are effectively toplevel. Got a mini-example you can share? -hp

At the top level, PROGN is treated as if each contained expression appeared at the top level. So generally wrapping a PROGN around the result is precisely what you need to do. However, since I see an IN-PACKAGE form in your example... beware that that IN-PACKAGE form will NOT affect the following DEFUN, because the symbols in it will have been read long before the IN-PACKAGE is executed. On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com>wrote:
What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g.
(in-package :xxx) (defun ...)
I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it.
Thanks pt

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Alessio Stalla <alessiostalla@gmail.com>wrote:
At the top level, PROGN is treated as if each contained expression appeared at the top level. So generally wrapping a PROGN around the result is precisely what you need to do.
However, since I see an IN-PACKAGE form in your example... beware that that IN-PACKAGE form will NOT affect the following DEFUN, because the symbols in it will have been read long before the IN-PACKAGE is executed.
Yikes, I read too fast, did not see the in-package. Well, the "doing something else wrong" suggestion stands. :) But this works in Allegro CL: (defmacro go4it (n) `(progn (in-package :mcna.db) (defun forty2 () ,n))) (go4it 42) (print (forty2)) I put this in a source file in a library source with a different package, in a Lisp session where :mcna.db was already a Lisp package. I do find supplying an in-package form in a macro expansion alarming, though. I never use it, but would use-package work? -hp
On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com>wrote:
What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g.
(in-package :xxx) (defun ...)
I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it.
Thanks pt
-- Kenneth Tilton Fort Lauderdale, FL http://tiltontec.com http://socialalgebra.com

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com>wrote:
What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g.
(in-package :xxx) (defun ...)
I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it.
That's a pretty good question. I've never been able to find a way. It feels like it might go against some kind of fundamental principle of macros. What does LW and SBCL hate about wrapping toplevel forms in progn? -- My Best, Dave Cooper

On 14-03-14 12:00 PM, Dave Cooper wrote:
... What does LW and SBCL hate about wrapping toplevel forms in progn?
The LW debugger can't set breakpoints unless I remove the progn wrapper. A user of my code is complaining that "it doesn't work" in SBCL (:-) (I guess I'll get more detail later). Asking the question got me to think of an experiment. I typed (defstruct hello a b ) Into a file, then asked LW to macroexpand it. What is the result? (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") (dspec ...) i.e. two forms without a wrapper! And the answer in SBCL is a progn! With a an onerous-looking ...LOCK... as the first form. pt

Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com> writes:
On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Paul Tarvydas < paultarvydas@gmail.com> wrote:
What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g.
(in-package :xxx) (defun ...)
I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it.
That's a pretty good question. I've never been able to find a way. It feels like it might go against some kind of fundamental principle of macros.
This has nothing to do with macros. Please read: http://www.nhplace.com/kent/PS/Ambitious.html -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ "Le mercure monte ? C'est le moment d'acheter !"

You don't show what you did, and what the two implementations complained about. Indeed, progn is the usual way to have a macro return multiple forms. progn is defined not to affect the top-level-ness or not-top-level-ness of the current environment. But I'll make a guess what's wrong. The in-package form changes the value of *package*, which affects where the reader interns symbols, but your defun form is _not_ subsequently processed by the reader. The symbols in the defun are already interned symbols, not strings, and are interned in whatever package they were read into when the reader saw them. HTH On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com>wrote:
What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g.
(in-package :xxx) (defun ...)
I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it.
Thanks pt

Alessio, Steve, Yes, I intend the first form to be an (in-package ...) followed by a (defun ...). My immediate problem is solved, thank you! I am currently writing the result out to a file anyway, so I can easily strip the progn on the way out. But, now I'm curious. Is there a reasonable way to solve this? thanks pt

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com> wrote:
But, now I'm curious. Is there a reasonable way to solve this?
What problem are you trying solve? In particular, why do you need the in-package form? -- Luís Oliveira http://kerno.org/~luis/

Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com> writes:
What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g.
(in-package :xxx) (defun ...)
I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it.
(defmacro this-works-but-it-s-bad-form-to-mix-in-package-with-other-things () (let ((package :xxx)) `(progn (in-package ,package) (defun ,(intern "FNAME" package) (x) (if (< x 1) 1 (* x (,(intern "FNAME" package) (1- x)))))))) -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ "Le mercure monte ? C'est le moment d'acheter !"

On 14-03-14 12:57 PM, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote: I'm writing diagram-compilers that emit CL. It seems to me that each emitted lump of code should be in it's own package. Am I thinking about this "wrong"? I also have similar issues using a PEG parser (a PEG syntax for esrap) inside a keyboard macro https://github.com/guitarvydas/paraphrase . This allows me to use prolog syntax directly within a CL program, which macro-expands to lisp forms. pt

Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com> writes:
On 14-03-14 12:57 PM, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
I'm writing diagram-compilers that emit CL. It seems to me that each emitted lump of code should be in it's own package. Am I thinking about this "wrong"?
Yes. Packages are not designed or not practical for fine grained name scoping. Furthermore, packages are used only to _READ_ symbols. You should not have any need of them when generating code. That is, at most, you would just intern generated symbols in a specific package to avoid poluting some other package, and you may want to manage the export list of a public package for the publicly accessible API to your generated code. -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ "Le mercure monte ? C'est le moment d'acheter !"

Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com> writes:
On 14-03-14 12:57 PM, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
I'm writing diagram-compilers that emit CL. It seems to me that each emitted lump of code should be in it's own package. Am I thinking about this "wrong"?
That said, if you want to "put" each lump of code inside its own package, nothing prevents you to do so, but you don't need to include an in-package form in the generated code. (defvar *generated-packages* '()) (defvar *package-counter* 0) (defun generate-code (x) (let* ((pack (make-package (format nil "GENPACK~D" (incf *package-counter*)) :use '())) (fname (gentemp "FUN" pack)) (vname (gentemp "VAR" pack))) (push pack *generated-packages*) `(defun ,fname (,vname) (+ ,vname ,x)))) cl-user> (generate-code 1) (defun genpack1::fun0 (genpack1::var0) (+ genpack1::var0 1)) cl-user> (generate-code 2) (defun genpack2::fun0 (genpack2::var0) (+ genpack2::var0 2)) cl-user> (generate-code 3) (defun genpack3::fun0 (genpack3::var0) (+ genpack3::var0 3)) cl-user> Then you only need to generate a file that creates the packages: (dolist (p *generated-packages*) (print `(make-package ,(package-name p) :use '()))) (make-package "GENPACK3" :use 'nil) (make-package "GENPACK2" :use 'nil) (make-package "GENPACK1" :use 'nil) and to load it before the file contining the generated code. But as I said, this is boring use so fine grained packages, just have one static package for the whole generated code. -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ "Le mercure monte ? C'est le moment d'acheter !"

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com>wrote:
What is the best way to write a macro that returns more than one form to the top level? E.g.
(in-package :xxx) (defun ...)
I've been wrapping a progn around the result, but LW doesn't like it very much, and SBCL seems to hate it.
Wrap the body in eval-when. -- Terje Norderhaug

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Terje Norderhaug <terje@in-progress.com> wrote:
Wrap the body in eval-when.
How does that help? That is, what problem is it solving? -- Luís Oliveira http://kerno.org/~luis/
participants (8)
Alessio Stalla
Dave Cooper
Kenneth Tilton
Luís Oliveira
Pascal J. Bourguignon
Paul Tarvydas
Steve Haflich
Terje Norderhaug