Hi, I am developer of aspiwork-pdm project that I moved to cl.net in Feb'11. Motivation for this project can be found on its devel mailing list. At present, application is a crude expression of what I intended to do. I spoke to some prospects in my locality. Most of the office owners agree that integration of their resources would be a great idea. Yet I am not sure if their hesitation purely relates to technical issues... I am not getting a satisfactory feedback. With this much, I have virtually not touched the code for weeks. I welcome your perspectives on this project. While comments on its actual code may suit project's own mailing list; here I seek some enlightenment on project's concept/design, utility in day to day scenario, acceptance of common lisp for such application... any other comment from your point of view. I see document management and process flow modules in a few 'cloud' services and upscale ERP installation. I am wondering if these are practical at smaller level with common lisp as a tool. I guess few of you must have implemented similar systems. Thanks. Regards -Aashish