On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 23:34:55 -0600, "Francisco Rivera" jfrivera56@hotmail.com wrote:
In LW Personal 4.3.7 I obtain the below errors when in the Editor, on "Calculator function" I select Definitions --> Compile
Previously all code was compiled with Buffer --> Compile
The problem disappears when evaluate (enable-rdnzl-syntax) on Listener.
That should have given you a hint.
Obviously, when you select Buffer --> Compile LispWorks uses COMPILE-FILE, and when you select Definitions --> Compile the forms are evaluated and compiled in the listener.
Look up the entry for COMPILE-FILE in the HyperSpec - it rebinds *READTABLE*, i.e. changes made to the readtable during COMPILE-FILE (or LOAD, for that matter) won't persist.
Cheers, Edi.