On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 10:53:29 -0700, "Eric Scott" eric.scott@islanddata.com wrote:
I've just started to use the 'rdnzl' (http://weitz.de/rdnzl) library, which provides a lisp interface to .Net. One basic example revolves around a .Net assembly called AproposGui.dll. I can get the example to work if the dll is placed directly in the *lispworks-directory*, but if the dll is placed elsewhere, I get an 'assembly not found' error. What I'd like to do is be able to specify a search path that would include arbitrary directories containing dll's I'm interested in interfacing to. Apropos-ing, I find the symbol 'system::*library-search-path*', which one might think would do the trick, but 1) it's not exported and 2) enlisting it with the desired pathnames doesn't work. Redefining the "path" environment variable has not worked either.
Is there some method or system parameter I can use to specify a search path of this kind? Thanks to anyone who can shed light on this.
The way assemblies are found is determined by the CLR and has nothing to do with RDNZL or the underlying Lisp - you'll find the details in the Microsoft documentation.
Generally, you should ask questions about RDNZL on the RDNZL mailing list, though.
Cheers, Edi.