Is anyone successfully using microsoft "ink" from Lisp via rdnzl?
I sent this note to Edi
RJF: Could you look at a (1 page) piece of code and see if there is something obvious that (my student and I) are doing wrong trying to use rdnzl?
It is at
Edi: I just did and it looks OK to me.
... Nevertheless it doesn't work on either Allegro (RJF) or Lispworks. (Edi)
It opens a window and enables "Ink", but if a handler is set up, it stops inking after the first stroke, and never really calls the handler.
Oh, you don't need to have a Tablet PC, but it probably helps to have the microsoft Tablet PC SDK downloaded to your Windows machine. (Our project involves reading and speaking mathematics into a computer for processing by computer algebra programs in Lisp.)
Thanks for any hints. RJF