Hi Marc, thanks for using the RDNZL interface, I forward your letter to Charley as he is the engineer that did the ACL port.. Jans
Edi Weitz gave pretty much the same answer I would. The simplest thing is to put "AproposGUI.dll" into either the Allegro CL directory or into a system directory.
For Edi:
I notice that specifying a full pathname for AproposGui.dll to the import-types function still causes an error. This seems to be happening because System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadWithPartialName won't take full pathnames (?). If that's the case, maybe import-types could be beefed up to check if the argument is a full pathname and instead invoke Load or LoadFrom. ??
Charley --- Charles A. Cox, Franz Inc. 555 12th Street, Suite 1450 Internet: cox@franz.com Oakland, CA 94607 WWW: http://www.franz.com/ Phone: (510) 452-2000; FAX: (510) 452-0182