Hi Marc, thanks for using the RDNZL interface, I forward your letter to Charley as he is the engineer that did the ACL port.. Jans
Edi Weitz gave pretty much the same answer I would. The simplest thing is to put "AproposGUI.dll" into either the Allegro CL directory or into a system directory.
For Edi:
I notice that specifying a full pathname for AproposGui.dll to the import-types function still causes an error. This seems to be happening because System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadWithPartialName won't take full pathnames (?). If that's the case, maybe import-types could be beefed up to check if the argument is a full pathname and instead invoke Load or LoadFrom. ??
Charley --- Charles A. Cox, Franz Inc. 555 12th Street, Suite 1450 Internet: cox@franz.com Oakland, CA 94607 WWW: http://www.franz.com/ Phone: (510) 452-2000; FAX: (510) 452-0182
Hi Charley!
Sorry for the delay.
On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 11:47:09 -0800, "Charles A. Cox" cox@franz.com wrote:
For Edi:
I notice that specifying a full pathname for AproposGui.dll to the import-types function still causes an error. This seems to be happening because System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadWithPartialName won't take full pathnames (?).
Yep, that's the reason.
If that's the case, maybe import-types could be beefed up to check if the argument is a full pathname and instead invoke Load or LoadFrom. ??
I used to do this in earlier (unreleased) versions of RDNZL but abandoned that approach when I found out that assemblies loaded with LoadFrom are kind of "second class" citizens in .NET. For example, you can't use the reflection machinery to get at the types loaded that way if you only have the type's (fully qualified) name. I remember reading an online article explaining the problem but I can't find the link right now.
Anyway, I think we shouldn't do that. If a user wants to invoke LoadFrom or Load he should do so explicitely and he should (hopefully) be aware of the consequences.
Does that seem like the right decision to you?
Cheers, Edi.