thank's for your answer it's true that my lisp years are a bit far away but it looked like something doable. But if coatch source is not publicy for shure it's a bit hard to manage ! ;) any way thank's for this usefull tool ! :)
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Edi Weitz wrote:
CL-PPCRE was modeled after the regular expressions of Perl at a particular point in time and even then I may have left out some stuff due to lack of time. As of now, I have even less time to extend CL-PPCRE or the Regex Coach and will only make new releases if there are bugs to fix.
CL-PPCRE is open source software and you can of course download and modify it yourself, but you'll need to know Common Lisp to do that. However, that won't help you with Regex Coach as its source code isn't publicly available and you'd need a commercial Lisp compiler to compile the program anyway. Sorry...
Cheers, Edi.
2011/11/14 Olivier GASTÉ
hello every one and before anything else "viele danke" to mr Weitz for this very usefull tool Ihave just a question it seems that I couldnt use the predefined class
[:alnum:] ( existing in PHP PCRE I guess it's not aviable in PHP and probably not in CL_PPCRE did you already noticed this ? it's a bit confusing to change always
php code and regex coatch
do you think there is a solution for me to modify the coatch or something else ? thank's for you help sorry for my bad english and my german try :)
Olivier GASTÉ
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