Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 15:18:16 +0200 From: Sven Van Caekenberghe <scaekenberghe@common-lisp.net> Could you please be a bit more specific ? It has been a while since I have been reading these specs ;-) The function s-xml:print-string-xml does a bit of escaping and is used from s-xml-rpc::encode-xml-rpc-value, what exactly are they doing wrong ? S-XML:PRINT-STRING-XML does do certain escaping, but some code points are invalid even if escaped as entity references. The particular problem I had was that lisppaste was sending me the contents of a paste with an ASCII form feed character, i.e. U+0C, which is not allowed in well-formed XML, even as an entity reference -- that is, the XML specification forbids . To get around this, any XML-RPC message containing such a character (or any character below U+0C that is not U+09, U+0A, or U+0D) must be base64-encoded first. Could you give some concrete example, a CL listener session maybe ? I know that s-xml-rpc is used by a couple of other projects/people, so changing the string encoding must be done carefully. CL-USER> (s-xml:print-xml-string (string (code-char #x0C))) "" CL-USER> (s-xml-rpc::encode-xml-rpc-value (string (code-char #x0C)) t) <value><string></string></value> "</value>" CL-USER> S-XML:PRINT-XML-STRING should signal an error if any such characters are encountered, and S-XML-RPC::ENCODE-XML-RPC-VALUE should instead base64-encode the string and generate this output: <value><base64>DA==</base64></value>