Our first meeting will be in mid-to-late July. Details on the legwork: A big part of this group is to meet and have some element of an interactive session such as a demonstration or live tutorial. My first pick for location was a classroom at Seattle Central Community College. Some rooms are equipped with video projectors, and these may be reserved-- ordinarily. Currently, however, SCCC is deep into rather massive renovations, so this may not work until autumn. My second pick was a meeting room at the Capitol Hill branch of the Seattle Public Library (which was rebuilt a couple of years ago and is rather nice). For this location, however, we must provide our own projector. Unless someone has a projector, I'll arrange to get one. Suggestions for alternate locations are welcome. Drawing upon prior experiences, these types of events seem to draw a slightly larger crowd when there's free food (such as pizza) and zero cost to attend. I'm working on all these factors, so that's what's taking time. Once we get the first couple of meetings behind us, subsequent sessions will happen more gracefully. As there's a national holiday in early July and many people take vacations around then, the meeting would be best towards the latter part of the month. While I realize that puts it a month out, it's actually not that far away. That's the update. Thanks for your patience, and thanks for participating! -Daniel PS - I'll send a separate call for planning the exact day as that time approaches.