Justin Grant wrote:
When can you start on the LispSea 3D demos ?
When I have the Chicken Scheme CMake build working properly, then an OpenGL binding, and have also finished the signature gathering season in Washington. Realistically? 1 month from now. I gotta disappear to Yakima, perhaps as soon as tomorrow afternoon. I got burned out on signature gathering for the past month, lost a LOT of income because it was the peak of the season. But I made major milestones on the CMake build, to the point that it's 95% done. Got more amped about programming and recuperated from signature burnout. So now I have to hit the Walmarts and make up my slack. Such is life when one doesn't get paid to program! It will have to be Chicken Scheme demos, for now. It will also have to be procedural content, programmed by hand by me. Dealing with 3D model imports of any kind, is beyond the scope of what I'm personally going to take on right now. With a partner providing that capability, that would change. Common Lisp demos are also beyond my scope right now. First I'd need to see SBCL working decently on Windows. I know there's Corman Lisp, but I'm not gonna fork over for it, given the overwhelming amount of work I've put into getting Chicken Scheme up to snuff. I think Scheme, and particularly Chicken Scheme, is probably better for embedding a language into a game anyways. Not that I want to do 2 language development, I rather despise that programming model, but I think it's what other game developers will realistically pay attention to. My interest in Common Lisp is merely whether I can get paid, and ancilliary concerns like do CL demos create a job market. I'm not prepared to do an OpenGL binding for Common Lisp either, not for awhile at any rate, so I hope SBCL has a usable one. I haven't paid attention to CL C FFI bugaboos lately. 9 months ago, I said, "To heck with that!" and went with Chicken Scheme. For Windows, it was the right choice at the time. Caveat: if out-of-state signature gathering looks lucrative and not politically objectionable (I won't do gay-bashing measures), I may go do that. If by some freak accident I have paying programming work, that will affect my priorities. But I anticipate that 1 month from now, I'll be working on the OpenGL stage of my conquest plan. Cheers, Brandon Van Every