Hi, everyone, I don't recall all the details of planning this event, but I could certainly do a lisp presentation for beginners. If some seasoned lispers are interested I could also do a presentation on CLOS, object-oriented programming and even the Meta-Object Protocol. Ira ---------------------------------- Ira J. Kalet, Ph.D. Professor, Radiation Oncology Professor, Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Adjunct Professor, Biological Structure Director, Security and Networking, UW Medicine IT Services office: 206 598-4107 FAX: 206 598-3786 email: ikalet@u.washington.edu www: http://www.radonc.washington.edu/faculty/ira/ ----------------------- Anthony Fairchild wrote:
On 5/22/07, *Daniel J Pezely* <djp07@speakeasy.net <mailto:djp07@speakeasy.net>> wrote:
A brief update:
I should be rescheduling the Lisp presentation soon.
It's taken a little while for me to get back on my feet. Now, I just have to get caught-up on a few things first...
In the mean time, if anyone else would like to present something, I can provide the projector and take care of the other details.
I'd still like to see a lisp presentation for beginners, but I don't feel I'm qualified for it. I wouldn't mind working with someone to do it though. I have 2-3 people who are interested in this.
I'm still looking forward to your Lisp networking presentation and the other things you have listed on the site. Its good to hear that you are getting back into the swing of things. Thanks for the update.
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