Justin Grant wrote:
We could lighten up about the whole thing.
I'm not understanding the thrust of this post. Nobody said people can't have fun coding Lisp. But what's fun for some is work for others. I personally wouldn't consider writing a website database fun, I'd consider it serious, heavy duty work. Other people may feel differently. I'm not a proponent of Stop Energy. http://www.userland.com/whatIsStopEnergy But if a project is big, I think its scope needs to be acknowledged. It's not fun when big projects simply don't work and nobody finishes them. *Small* projects tend to be fun for people. And by that I mean *Really Small*. Jeff had a good idea about his live coding sessions. Things people could complete at a meeting. Some people might consider the ICFP Programming Contest fun. http://www.icfpcontest.org My own skills aren't up to it though. http://www.ludumdare.com has had many 48 hour game programming contests. Someday maybe I'll run something like that for Chicken Scheme. That'll be a long ways off though. Cheers, Brandon Van Every