Hi everyone,

This might be a good time to introduce myself.  I joined this mailing list a couple of days ago after seeing the post on c.l.l.  I've been learning Common Lisp over the past year or so.  I have about 12 years experience coding with other programming languages, mainly C/C++ and Java.  I discovered Lisp after learning Ruby and Python.

What do you want to get out of this group?
I would like to meet others more experience than myself, learn as much as I can about the language.  If I can, I would like to contribute in some way.

What would make for a meaningful presentation for you?
What niche or need should be filled? 

- Overview of the popular Common Lisps (SBCL, CLISP, ACL, LW, etc.)  What are their strengths and weaknesses.
- How to setup Emacs/Lisp from scratch (already mentioned)
- Overview of writing various types of applications including Web, GUI, games, etc.  Perhaps a separate session for each.
- Debugging tips/tricks
- Tips for writing portable CL

Those are just a few right of the top of my head.  If I can think of others I'll post them.  I'm looking forward to the first meeting!

Anthony Fairchild