Daniel Pezely wrote:
The main reason as to *why* to fill out the questionnaire is so that it *does* become populated.
That's a nice thought but 2 years has proven it ain't happenin', at least not in the current guise.
Also, there is a fairly new effort within the Lisp Gardeners to turn that raw data into useful content.
All the more reason to fill it out...
Not really. It's worthless until the useful content is displayed. Pitching that people help fix / beef up the content display is a good idea. Pitching that people fill out the form as it stands is a waste of time. Frankly, the form *reinforces* the myth that nobody's doing Lisp. If you take the Seattle promotion page seriously, I suggest you remove that "please fill this out" request, and instead point something at the "let's rearchitect this" request. Let's get people to focus on what matters and not make ourselves look stupid and crappy in the interim. The Gardeners page is ok. The Common Lisp Directory is good. The Questionnaire sucks. Side note: my God, www.python.org finally got a facelift! That could have happened 2 years ago. The resistance to that was very, very painful to deal with. It's part of why I moved on to other programming languages. I was on the marketing-python mailing list, helped get some draft logos together. After that fiasco, went and tried to do the same thing with OCaml. That didn't pan out either. Tried to help get Lisp + Scheme logos organized several months ago. It didn't work out. I wonder how the logjam on www.python.org finally got broken open, because it was a big one. I bet it took $$$$$$. Their logo is even decent, relying on principles of abstraction we went over 2 years ago. The idea was that realistic snakes freak too many people out, so we wanted snakes as an abstract graphical element only. Cheers, Brandon Van Every