Daniel J Pezely wrote:
Brandon wrote:
I think a big pot of vegetarian chili could go a long ways price / performance wise.
A card-carrying member of the NRCHA! (National Rotten Chili Haters Association) I think there's a serious YMMV on beans giving people gas, especially when combined with other proteins. Well, it's one idea out of several bulk foods possibilities. My original question was: how much do pizzas cost? My 2nd question is: where's the money coming from? If it's just out of a few organizers' pockets, and there's no generous corporate benefactor involved, I think we should be considering our cost-effective creativity. Also, that way of doing it has the advantage of not needing a benefactor, if those are difficult to obtain. I don't know, I've never tried, nor would I likely invest my own organizational energies that way. No I'm not in Yakima. Yes I made $400 on signatures in Marysville yesterday. Yes I'm going to Yakima today. I'll be back on Tuesday to rattle at y'all some more. Cheers, Brandon Van Every