[LispSea] ... status update ...

I'm still gathering information on who I need to talk with to get permission to host the users group ... Our company hosts a number of other groups, so I don't *think* it's going to be a problem, but ... I just wanted to keep everybody in the loop so you know what's going on. As always, if anybody has any one has any comments or suggestions, or if I can provide any additional information and/or assistance, please let me know ... I'm always happy to help as I can. Ciao for now. jd -- Greetings Starfghter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Zurr and the Codan Armada.

JD wrote:
I'm still gathering information on who I need to talk with to get permission to host the users group ... Our company hosts a number of other groups, so I don't *think* it's going to be a problem, but ... I just wanted to keep everybody in the loop so you know what's going on.
As always, if anybody has any one has any comments or suggestions, or if I can provide any additional information and/or assistance, please let me know ... I'm always happy to help as I can.
Ciao for now.
So what happened with this? Cheers, Brandon Van Every
participants (2)
Brandon J. Van Every