Dear all,
the macroexpand-all implementation on ACL uses the deprecated
excl::walk, instead of the currently suggested excl::compiler-walk. This
might seem a minor thing, but actually leads to wrong macroexpansion
(i.e. macroexpansions that are very different from what ACL actually
does if you compile the code). (Allegro bug [spr39340] leading to ACL
8.2 patch 'code/loop.001' was hard to debug because of this)
The attached trivial patch fixes the issue. Patch is against the swank
currently in quicklisp, slime-20121125-cvs.
Original error message:
CL-USER(3): (excl::walk 'foo)
; Autoloading for EXCL::WALK:
; Fast loading from bundle code/walker.fasl.
; Autoloading for EXCL::WALK:
; Fast loading from bundle code/walker.fasl.
; Autoloading for EXCL::WALK:
; Fast loading from bundle code/walker.fasl.
Error: Attempt to load the walker module for excl::walk or
excl::old-compiler-walk, which is deprecated in favor of the
clos walker, excl::walk-form, and the newer version of
Restart actions (select using :continue):
0: Load it anyway
1: retry the load of walker.fasl
2: skip loading walker.fasl
3: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart).
4: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process.