I'm having trouble getting slime working properly under FreeBSD 6.1 and emacs.
Using either clisp or sbcl, slime compiles and loads properly, I get a
slime repl which works fine.
Lisp files load in slime mode, as expected, but evaluation seems to
take place in elisp, instead of the loaded clisp or sbcl environment.
For example, evaluating global-font-lock-mode with C-x C-e returns t.
In the slime repl buffer, the same results in an undefined symbol, as
Is there something I'm missing that would connect the lisp program
buffer to the correct Lisp?
The following is from my .emacs file:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/slime/slime")
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/local/bin/sbcl")
(require 'slime)