I decided to try out slime (been using ilisp), and found what seems to
be a bug, or at least a poor default. I checked out the current CVS,
and tried it in XEmacs 21.4.15 on an amd64 machine, with a semi-old
cmucl snapshot (2005-01-04). Slime connected to cmucl just fine, but
I didn't get too much further than that. Running buffer-menu made
emacs hang for a second or more. After a little experimentation, I
found that it hangs an amount proportional to the number of buffers I
have. Once you get over 10 or so, you notice the delay, and when you
get up around 50 buffers or more, it's really awful.
I tried a bunch of stuff and found that this doesn't affect GNU-Emacs,
and setting slime-repl-enable-presentations to nil is an effective
workaround. I also tried the FAIRLY-STABLE branch, and it didn't seem
to have the problem, but I couldn't get a connection to either cmucl
or sbcl, so I'm not sure if that was a valid test.
Anyway, does anyone have an idea what causes this, or if there's a
better fix than disabling presentations?
Todd Sabin <tsabin(a)optonline.net>