the following code, put in openmcl-init.lisp, fixes a bug in openmcl's
defclass macro and should allow the inspector to work properly. it's
just a dirty hack till the next official release of openmcl.
;;;; defclass work around
(defclass common-lisp-user::!@$% () () (:documentation "x"))
(when (consp (documentation (find-class 'common-lisp-user::!@$%) t))
(handler-bind ((error (lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (invoke-restart 'continue))))
(defmacro defclass (class-name superclasses slots &rest class-options &environment env)
(flet ((duplicate-options (where) (signal-program-error "Duplicate options in ~S" where))
(illegal-option (option) (signal-program-error "Illegal option ~s" option))
(make-initfunction (form)
(cond ((or (eq form 't)
(equal form ''t))
'(function true))
((or (eq form 'nil)
(equal form ''nil))
'(function false))
`(function (lambda () ,form))))))
(setq class-name (require-type class-name '(and symbol (not null))))
(setq superclasses (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (require-type s 'symbol)) superclasses))
(let* ((options-seen ())
(signatures ())
(flet ((canonicalize-defclass-option (option)
(let* ((option-name (car option)))
(if (member option-name options-seen :test #'eq)
(duplicate-options class-options)
(push option-name options-seen))
(case option-name
(let ((canonical ()))
(let (key val (tail (cdr option)))
(loop (when (null tail) (return nil))
(setq key (pop tail)
val (pop tail))
(push ``(,',key ,',val ,,(make-initfunction val)) canonical))
`(':direct-default-initargs (list ,@(nreverse canonical))))))
(unless (and (cadr option)
(typep (cadr option) 'symbol))
(illegal-option option))
`(:metaclass ',(cadr option)))
(let* ((doc (cadr option)))
(if (and doc (not (typep doc 'string)))
(illegal-option option))
`(:documentation ',doc)))
(list `',option-name `',(cdr option))))))
(canonicalize-slot-spec (slot)
(if (null slot) (signal-program-error "Illegal slot NIL"))
(if (not (listp slot)) (setq slot (list slot)))
(let* ((slot-name (require-type (car slot) 'symbol))
(initargs nil)
(other-options ())
(initform nil)
(initform-p nil)
(initfunction nil)
(type nil)
(type-p nil)
(allocation nil)
(allocation-p nil)
(documentation nil)
(documentation-p nil)
(readers nil)
(writers nil))
(when (memq slot-name slot-names)
(SIGNAL-PROGRAM-error "Duplicate slot name ~S" slot-name))
(push slot-name slot-names)
(do ((options (cdr slot) (cddr options))
((null options))
(when (null (cdr options)) (signal-program-error "Illegal slot spec ~S" slot))
(case (car options)
(setq name (cadr options))
(push name signatures)
(push name readers))
(setq name (cadr options))
(push name signatures)
(push name writers))
(setq name (cadr options))
(push name signatures)
(push name readers)
(push `(setf ,name) signatures)
(push `(setf ,name) writers))
(push (require-type (cadr options) 'symbol) initargs))
(if type-p
(duplicate-options slot)
(setq type-p t))
;(when (null (cadr options)) (signal-program-error "Illegal options ~S" options))
(setq type (cadr options)))
(if initform-p
(duplicate-options slot)
(setq initform-p t))
(let ((option (cadr options)))
(setq initform `',option
(if (constantp option)
`(constantly ,option)
`#'(lambda () ,option)))))
(if allocation-p
(duplicate-options slot)
(setq allocation-p t))
(setq allocation (cadr options)))
(if documentation-p
(duplicate-options slot)
(setq documentation-p t))
(setq documentation (cadr options)))
(let* ((pair (or (assq (car options) other-options)
(car (push (list (car options)) other-options)))))
(push (cadr options) (cdr pair))))))
`(list :name ',slot-name
,@(when allocation `(:allocation ',allocation))
,@(when initform-p `(:initform ,initform
:initfunction ,initfunction))
,@(when initargs `(:initargs ',initargs))
,@(when readers `(:readers ',readers))
,@(when writers `(:writers ',writers))
,@(when type-p `(:type ',type))
,@(when documentation-p `(:documentation ,documentation))
,@(mapcan #'(lambda (opt)
`(',(car opt) ',(cdr opt))) other-options)))))
(let* ((direct-superclasses (or superclasses '(standard-object)))
(direct-slot-specs (mapcar #'canonicalize-slot-spec slots))
(other-options (apply #'append (mapcar #'canonicalize-defclass-option class-options ))))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
(%compile-time-defclass ',class-name ,env)
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (s) `(note-function-info ',s nil ,env))
(ensure-class-for-defclass ',class-name
:direct-superclasses ',direct-superclasses
:direct-slots ,`(list ,@direct-slot-specs)
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen