(message (Hello 'Helmut) (you :wrote :on '(Sun, 02 May 2004 21:51:56 +0200)) (
i don't know - maybe it's a bug in clisp and has nothing to do with slime.. i cannot understand what happens - i thought that they communicate with plain octet-stream and only interpretation of some values got changed..
HE> I'm sorry, but I don't know how to deal with charset problems. HE> Heck, HE> I don't even know how create a buffer with charset:windows-1251. you don't actually need this - you'll just see characters with another font.. HE> It's probably good to set swank::*log-events* to true and/or use HE> ethereal. i've redirected log into file and saw where problem is.. i've expected somthing like that.. WRITE: (:return (:ok ("2004-05-01" -1. "CLISP" "clisp" (:clos :loop :compiler :clisp :ansi-cl :common-lisp :lisp=cl :interpreter :sockets :generic-streams :logical-pathnames :screen :ffi :unicode :base-char=character :pc386 :win32))) 1.) DISPATCHING: (:DEBUG 0 1 ("Character #\\u00E7 cannot be represented in the character set CHARSET:CP1251" " [Condition of type SIMPLE-CHARSET-TYPE-ERROR]") as i understand this is the length of message as char.. looks like it's not good to encode bytes as chars - it's a problem with some charsets, representing it in hex or base64 can be much more portable.. by the way, there's one more issue with charsets - prin1-to-string function can exceptionize (in this case slime hangs(but can be ressurected then)). i think condition-hanler can help here - at least tell user about problem.. you can check it in such way: (setq *str* "abc") (progn (setf (char *str* 1) #\CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_ER) ()) *str* ) (With-best-regards '(Alex Mizrahi) :aka 'killer_storm) (prin1 "Jane dates only Lisp programmers"))