"Stefan" == Stefan Kamphausen <skampi@gmx.net> writes:
Stefan> That would be fine if the connection is always local. What would Stefan> happen to a history with a REPL that is connected to a remote lisp? Stefan> Write to local disc or pass it to the remote machine. I think the history mechanism should always go to the local disk as seen from the emacs in which SLIME is running. Firstly, one may still have one common homedirectory (eg NFS mounted) even if there are many different machines. Secondly, one may always find other ways of sharing files across different hosts, this should not be the problem of SLIME to solve. Thirdly, if the code has a variable that allows the user to specify the name of the history file, one can always use one of emacs' network transparent file mechanisms (such as tramp or ange-ftp). Finally, there is no thing as annoying as having problems getting out of emacs because some clever code tries to do something too clever on exit that it cannot complete, and networking the history has a lot of potential to aggrevate such a situation. ------------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Christian Lynbech | christian #\@ defun #\. dk ------------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual. - petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)