Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
* CVS User sboukarev [2011-12-06 15:09] writes:
Log Message: * slime.el (slime-compile-region): Check connection before running hooks, invoking slime-flash-region doesn't make much sense when there's no connection.
Can we revert this? flash-region is now also called for C-c C-k which was probably not intended. I also don't understand why the check is needed in the first place. If we aren't connected we will discover that soon enough. I didn't think slime-before-compile-functions would run for C-c C-k. I've removed slime-flash-region from slime-before-compile-functions.
And as for connection, I don't like when the region flashes but it isn't actually sent to lisp, its flashing is more prominent than "Not connected" in the minibuffer, and this gives the wrong impression that it's connected and the form is successfully sent to the compiler. -- With best regards, Stas.