29 Apr
29 Apr
10:20 a.m.
If calling a function such as (defun test-function () (loop for i from 1 to 10 do (format t "~a~%" i) (sleep 1))) in the repl, I get a whole lot of nothing, and then after ten seconds, I get the output. Which is natural, because the output stream is buffering. So the obvious (*ahem*) thing to do is: (setf (slot-value (slot-value (slot-value *terminal-io* 'system::output-stream) 'stream::buffer-state) 'stream::output-limit) 1) which fixes the problem. But surely this isn't supposed to be necessary. (This is with LispWorks 4.2.7 and current CVS Slime.) -- (domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.) larsi@gnus.org * Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen