GP lisper <spambait@CloudDancer.com> writes:
On Mon, 10 Apr 2006 16:26:50 +0100, <luismbo@gmail.com> wrote:
Jeffrey Cunningham <jeffrey@cunningham.net> writes:
Just out of curiosity, how would one know about troubles with 1.2.1 that weren't posted to the list?
People asking for help regarding SLIME (usually with SBCL, whose recent versions won't work with 1.2.1) in #lisp @ irc.freenode.net. Happens quite often.
This problem is caused by #lisp constantly recommending SBCL to brand new wet-behind-the-ears lispers. This is like taking someone who has walked in the door, curious about pilot training, and putting them in the pilots seat of a 777, fully loaded and on a takeoff run.
There seems to be no harm done. The newbies seem quite happy once they have the right slime. I think you have a wrong impression of the state of maturity of SBCL. Besides, it is what most of us use, so it is easier for us to help if something breaks.
The results are predictable, but #lisp doesn't care.
The only thing that tends to break predictably is slime-1.2.1!
Using this situation as justification for controlling slime releases is ludicrous.
Nobody is saying "control slime releases", just, "make it a little easier to get current slime. Like, by putting a link to a more current snapshot in an obvious place." Or the link sugested by Marco Baringer (the link by Luis Oliveira is, IIRC, to a very old release). That takes one developer 10 minutes, and he doesn't have to do it himself. I have offered help with this, and my offer still stands. I could take care of the web page. I promise I will not do anything the developers do not want. :-) GP lisper <spambait@CloudDancer.com> writes:
On Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:28:05 +0200, <m_mommer@yahoo.com> wrote:
GP lisper <spambait@CloudDancer.com> writes:
On Sun, 09 Apr 2006 22:57:43 +0200, <m_mommer@yahoo.com> wrote:
During the last few weeks, I have seen lots of people stumble over the slime-1.2.1 tarball, and having it not work. I think this is a pitty.
Who? Brand new users? Old-timers?? With the lack of posts here, I'd guess it's beginners, and you only hear about failures from them. [snip] Read my last phrase again.
Well, I hope I am wrong, but your phrase seems to sugest that you have some kind of contempt for newbies. That you think something like "stinking little newbies, all they ever do is fail". Regards, Mario.