So to make up for my dumb question before (which I see is answered in the ChangeLog) I'm working on adding a feature to SLIME--I want to highlight frames in the debugger for which there is source. (I'm thinking of adding a key to toggle hiding and showing frames for which source is not available.) So here's my question--my first crack at it was to do this entirely in Emacs--when I'm inserting frames I call swank:frame-source-location-for-emacs for each frame and use a different face if the result contains :location. However if it occurs to me it might be more efficient to simply grab the source information along with the rest of the stack trace in debugger-info-for-emacs, i.e. instead of sending back a (number description) tuple for each stack frame, send back (number description source-location). Any thoughts on why that would be a bad way to go? -Peter -- Peter Seibel peter@javamonkey.com Lisp is the red pill. -- John Fraser, comp.lang.lisp