Helmut Eller wrote:
This sounds like a character coding issue (not related to the CMUCL
thing). It seems as if slime-net-coding-system cannot encode some compiler message. That can happen if you call cl:compile-file manually with some external-format that's incompatible with slime-net-coding-system, but that would be rather unusual.
What coding systems are you using for the file? (M-x describe-coding-system can be used to get that information.) Have you customized slime-net-coding-system? Does the (full) filename contain non-ascii characters? Do you have (shell) environment settings for LANG or some of those LC_XXX variables?
Hi, I've locale tr_TR.UTF-8. I've solved problem via (setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix). It was caused by a wierd quote symbol. Thnx. evrim.