sedachv <sedachv@cpsc.ucalgary.ca> writes:
On Wed, Dec 31, 2003 at 07:43:18AM +0100, Wolfgang Jenkner wrote:
sedachv <sedachv@cpsc.ucalgary.ca> writes:
I've gotten the swank backend mostly working on CLISP.
Me too :-) For purposes of comparison:
Cool! I committed a merged version. I tried with CLISP 2.32 and completion seems to work fine here. The debugging support doesn't seem to work with older versions (2.30), because there where changes in CLISP's internals. We should probably ask the CLISP developers if they could make some official debugger interface. There seem to be problems with stream handling. If I set the :buffered argument for socket-accept to t, CLISP seems to wait forever, even if there is a connection. Also, CLISP's debugger doesn't seem to work well with our redirected streams. OTOH, CLISP's inspector has no problems. Not sure if the problem is in our stream code or in CLISP's debugger. Any ideas? I added the portable xref to slime, but haven't tried it yet. We could try to implement list-callers and list-callees without the xref package. The callees of a function can be found by disassembling the bytecode (I guess that's not very hard). The callers can then be found by searching the callees of all fbound symbols. I will ask the common-lisp.net gods to give you CVS commit rights. Happy New Year! Helmut.