* Helmut Eller <m2tzkojoae.fsf@common-lisp.net> : Wrote on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 00:27:05 +0100: | * Marco Baringer [2008-02-04 17:36+0100] writes: |> |> If you're going to change package it doesn't make sense to supply the |> current package as the default argument, the first thing you're going |> to do, and you're always going to do this, is delete the package name |> slime just inserted. | | It could make sense if slime-repl-set-package is called in a non-REPL | buffer. But that's unlikely, so please commit the change. I'd vote against the change. This goes against my use case -- I have only used C-c M-p in buffers having lisp file with (in-package "FOO") forms, to set the REPL package to the current package in the file. Then I switch to the REPL to enter and eval forms in that package. I preferred this style of interaction. -- Madhu