29 Apr
29 Apr
6:16 p.m.
On 4/29/05, Will M. Farr <farr@mit.edu> wrote: < snip definitions >
(f* 10.d0 30.d0) (f+ 10.d0 30.d0) (f- 10.d0 30.d0) (f/ 30.d0 10.d0)
However, if I then type
(f* 10.d0 30.d0)
at the REPL,
At the REPL, type: (in-package :fast-math) Then type (f* 10d0 30d0). Does it work? The behavior you're seeing is intended. When you're in the lisp file buffer, and you C-M-x something, slime treats that command as being executed in the package specified by the (in-package ...) form at the top of the file. Thus, the macro definitions can be found. In the REPL, you're in CL-USER, where those functions don't exist, and so SBCL/OpenMCL can't find the definitions. Hope this helps. -Denis PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xA1B51B4B&op=index