* Mirko Vukovic [2010-04-20 02:30+0200] writes:
My question is whether I need to specify a group in the `defface' commands. For example: (defface superscript '((t :height 0.8));;suscript-height)) "Face used for superscripts." :group 'slime-mode-faces)
I found several groups in slime.el, and I am not sure which one to apply in defface.
The :group attribute is only used by the customization machinery it has no effect on the face itself. It's not even required. If you use this code just for yourself you don't need to do anything. If you want to share it than it's more important that you add some prefix rather than "superscript" alone; that avoids name clashes. When your package gets bigger you will most likely already have a name for the package and also define a customization group with the same name or you can use one of the general groups like "slime" or "lisp". Helmut