On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 13:41:05 -0500, Osei Poku said:
It seems lispworks is not populating the compiler::*error-database* is a way that is not compatible with slime's current interpretation.
According to map-error-database in swank-lispworks.lisp in my version and the current CVS version, the expected structure of the variable is a list of
(filename . ((dspec . condition) ... ))
In LW 5.1.1, this structure seems to populated differently. the condition is instead a cons with the condition as the car. ie it is now:
(filename . ((dspec . (condition . some-number) ... )))
This change seems to cause the following error when C-c C-c (slime- compile-defun ?) is performed on a function that would yield any kind of warning.
I will commit a fix for this after further testing. -- Martin Simmons LispWorks Ltd http://www.lispworks.com/