Hey there, I'm new to slime. I'm using CCL and when I startup slime I get those messages printed in the *inferior-lisp* buffer: ; Warning: These Swank interfaces are unimplemented: ; (ACTIVATE-STEPPING ADD-FD-HANDLER ADD-SIGIO-HANDLER ; BACKGROUND-SAVE-IMAGE DUP EXEC-IMAGE MAKE-FD-STREAM ; REMOVE-FD-HANDLERS REMOVE-SIGIO-HANDLERS SLDB-BREAK-AT-START ; SLDB-BREAK-ON-RETURN SLDB-STEP-INTO SLDB-STEP-NEXT SLDB-STEP-OUT) ; While executing: SWANK-BACKEND::WARN-UNIMPLEMENTED-INTERFACES, in process list and later ;Compiler warnings for "c:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/fau/Anwendungsdaten/.emacs.d/slime-2010-12-03/contrib/swank-presentation-streams.lisp" : ; In CCL::CLEAR-PRESENTATIONS inside an anonymous lambda form: Undefined function SWANK::CLEAR-PRESENTATION-TABLES ; In SWANK::PRESENTING-OBJECT-1: Undefined function SWANK::SAVE-PRESENTED-OBJECT Well it seems to me everything is running (well I assume not the above mentioned features). I also did the slime-run-test and the first line says: Failed on 38 (2 expected) of 279 tests. Skipped 1 tests. It's hard to say what is relevant so my question is; do I need to tweak something to get all tests pass? Thanks Frank