Slime Developers, The following was produced using SBCL version 2.3.11, slime-version "2.30", and Emacs version 29.4. (My copy of slime was installed using the ‘list-packages’ command in Emacs.) For the following ‘loop’ expression, the function ‘slime-eval-last-expression’ returns the correct result: (loop :for n :in '(a b c) :collect `(,n (gensym))) => ((A (GENSYM)) (B (GENSYM)) (C (GENSYM))) But the function ‘slime-pprint-eval-last-expression’ does not return the correct result. Instead, it returns: (loop :for n :in '(a b c) :collect `(,n (gensym))) => ((A . #1=((GENSYM))) (B . #1#) (C . #1#)) in the *slime-description* buffer. Is this a known error, that is, is it an acceptable result? Please let me know if there is any other information you need to reproduce or diagnose this potential error. Thank you. --